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Latest by R. Adams

Budgie sleeps with his head buried on a branch

3 easy ways to improve your parakeet’s sleeping habits

Try these tips to help your parakeet sleep better.
Little kid holds their pet hedgehog

Instagram’s cutest pet has an unsettling reality

Here's the truth about what it's like to raise a hedgehog
Woman folds laundry while playing with pet rabbit

Try these ingenious hacks to keep your rabbit cage from smelling horrendous

These tips will stop your rabbit cage from smelling horribly.
Two parrots sit affectionately with each other

How much does a bird cost, and what’s the most expensive bird?

Here is what you need to know about the cost of owning a pet bird.
Boy looks at pet bird coming out of cage

The ultimate first-time bird owner’s checklist

Here's what you should get as a first time bird owner for your new pet.
Girl holds her hamster in her hands

How much is a hamster? Here’s a rundown of what it costs to own one

Here's how much a hamster typically will cost you to own.
Robin sits on a tree eating a mealworm

How to properly feed mealworms to your bird and when you should feed them

Here's what you need to know about feeding mealworms to birds.
Bird splashes in outdoor bird bath

Does your bird really need a bath? Here’s how to clean your bird

Here are the steps to take to clean your bird and how to give her a bath.
Hamster pops up on a ledge to look out of his cage

How long can a hamster go without food or water? Not as long as you think

This is how long a hamster can go without food and water.
Two budgies sit happily in their cage

Which birdcage should you get? Pet owners had 5 favorites in 2021

These are the best bird cages this year according to bird owners.
Birds flock around feeder in yard

Follow these 6 tips to stop birds from eating your grass seed

Keep birds from eating grass seed with these 6 tips.
Baby bearded dragons in an easter basket

Everything you need to know about caring for bearded dragon eggs

Here's everything you need to know about caring for bearded dragon eggs
Person holds chinchilla in her hand

Looking for an exotic pet? These are the easiest ones to care for

These are the easiest exotic pets to take care of for beginners
Wide shot of smiling young woman feeding bird out of hand in snowy field on winter afternoon

How to attract colorful birds to your yard in 5 easy steps

Here's how to attract birds to your yard quickly and easily.
Teen looks through cage at hamster to feed her

How big should a hamster cage really be? We find out

Here are guidelines for how big your hamster cage should be.
Parrot cracks nut in his claw

8 toxic food for birds you probably have in your home

Here are 8 toxic foods for bird that you may have in your home.
African gray parrot standing on a ledge

What is a pet bird’s life expectancy? It’s longer than you might expect

Here is how old you can expect your pet bird to get.
Boy looks at hamster eating through his cage

How to properly clean your hamster cage without a mess

Here is how to properly clean your hamster cage without a mess.
Hamster pretends to take a bath in a dollhouse

How to properly clean your hamster and how often you should bathe them

Here's how you should bathe your hamster and how often you should do it.
Ferret gets shampooed while taking a bath in the sink

Why frequent ferret baths are doing more harm than good

This is why bathing your ferret frequently is not advised.
Veterinarian examines a rabbit's ears on a table

How often should rabbits go to the vet? Here are some guidelines to follow

Here's how often you should take your pet rabbit to the vet.
Red and blue betta in aquarium

6 best tank mates for bettas you should consider

These aquarium fish are compatible with bettas and can live with them.
Parrot gets his winged examined by a vet

How to clip a bird’s wings so you don’t injure them

If you're considering clipping your bird's wings yourself, read this first.
Man cleans fish tank with a sponge

How to change aquarium water without making a mess

Follow this easy guide to change your aquarium water.
Woman sits at laptop while her pet lovebird perches on it

5 fun lovebird facts to know before you get one

Lovebirds make great pets. Here's what you need to know.
Roborovski hamster hiding in a tree trunk toy and looking out to the camera

How to choose the best hamster toys for your pet

This is what to consider when picking hamster toys for your pet.
Guinea pig munches on a green grape

Can guinea pigs eat grapes? Guidelines you’ll want to follow

Should you feed guinea pigs grapes? Here's what to know.
Man hangs a yellow bird feeder on a tree

8 bird feeder cleaning tips that will make your life so much easier

This is how to clean your bird feeder effectively.
Flock of homing pigeons flying

5 crazy facts about pigeon training you probably don’t know

How much do you know about pigeon training? Here are the facts.
Black guinea pigs sits next to pink flowers

A handy guide to guinea pig noises and what they mean

This is what it means when your guinea pig makes noises.
Swordtail in an aquarium with neon tetras

7 coolest freshwater tropical fish for your aquarium

These are wonderful tropical fish for your freshwater aquarium.
Hamster sits in his blue wheel in cage

Gerbil vs. hamster: Which should you get?

Should you get a gerbil or a hamster? We consider the facts.
Minute leaf chameleon stands on a penny

10 coolest reptiles that are still on the endangered list

Help raise awareness for these amazing reptiles that are on the endangered species list.
Man feeds iguana a piece of melon on a stick

5 helpful solutions to try if your iguana’s not eating

If your iguana isn't eating, try these strategies.
Hyacinth macaw flies across the grass

7 interesting facts about macaws to decide if they’re right for you

We bet you didn't know these fun facts about macaws.
Tree frog sits on a branch

Do frogs make good pets? What you need to know

If you're thinking about a pet frog, read this handy guide.
Rabbit leaping over a hurdle during an agility competition

8 reasons rabbits are totally fantastic pets

Rabbits are an underrated pet. These are the reasons why.
Human hand holding a baby hamster

5 things you should never do when you’re caring for baby hamsters

If you're not sure how to care for baby hamsters, follow these tips.
Two snakes curl around a person while another pets them

How long do snakes live? Everything you need to know

Snakes can live for a very long time. Male sure you're informed before you commit.
Two birds eating at a birdfeeder

Everything you ever wanted to know about bird feeders

Read this handy guide before you set up that bird feeder.
Two ferrets look out of a carrying case

Do boarding facilities take pets that aren’t cats or dogs? What you need to know

Wondering what to do with your small pet when you go on vacation? These are your options.
Colorful chameleon sits on a stick before a blue background

5 reptiles on Instagram with more followers than you

We love these reptile Instagram accounts and you will too.
Girl petting mini horse in a zoo

5 simple ways to get involved for Farm Animals Awareness Week

Here are five ways you can help farm animals this week and in the future.
Little girl holds her pet iguana

8 effective tips for iguana training

Iguanas are beautiful creatures, but they do have sharp claws and teeth, as well as a powerful tail. Here's how to train them so they don't mind being handled.
Panda sits and eats bamboo

6 amazing endangered species you can help save

These endangered species need help — here's what you can do.
Conure sits on branch

These are the most colorful birds you can keep as pets

Want a super colorful bird? Consider these breeds.
Woman feeds a red betta fish in an aquarium

A handy guide to feeding your fish

Feeding your fish doesn't have to be complicated. Here's what to know.
Corn snake being held between a person's fingers

8 important things to consider to properly care for a corn snake

This is what you need to know to properly look after a corn snake.
Woman looks through binoculars at a bird

4 amazing bird podcasts we’re listening to right now

These bird podcasts are informative and interesting.
Parrot talks with beak open

6 words to teach your parrot (and 3 not to)

Teaching your bird to speak will take time and lots of practice. Here are the words you should make sure they can say ... and a few to leave off the list.