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Rebekkah Adams

Rebekkah Adams


Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets, she enjoys singing with her women’s choir, doing genealogy research, and exploring the streets of New York.

Send all editorial inquiries HERE.

Cat playing with toy mouse

Do cats really eat mice? Let’s explore the truth

Do cats eat mice? You probably won't catch your cat actually swallowing their prey because it's the chase your kitty craves.
Two people holding up a dog and a cat

Are cats cleaner than dogs, really?

Are cats cleaner than dogs? We cover the five main ways that give cats a bit of an edge when it comes to cleanliness.
A dog eating soft-boiled eggs in the bowl

Should dogs eat eggs? What you need to know

Should dogs eat eggs? This high-protein snack actually works great for both dogs and people, provided it's cooked thoroughly.
Vet examines a falcon's wing

How to help a bird with a broken wing

Here's what to do if you find an injured bird so you can help it. With four steps, you'll have the broken wing healed and the bird back in the wild.
Turkish Kangal dog in the pasture in winter

Which dogs have the strongest bite force? Here’s the list

Which dogs have the strongest bite force? You may be surprised by some of the breeds on this list who chomp the hardest.
Woman kissing her cat

Do cats understand kisses? What science says

We can't pinpoint exactly how cats feel about us, but it's clear they form attachments to their owners. Does that mean they like kisses? We'll explain
Blue macaw looking quizzically into the camera

The 7 most intelligent birds you can keep as pets

Birds are actually one of the most intelligent creatures and have the unique skill of mimicking the human voice. These smart avians make the best pets.
Beagle dog asks for cucumber in the kitchen

Can dogs eat cucumbers? The facts revealed

Cucumbers make a great snack that you can share with your pet, provided you prepare them properly and don't offer too much at a time.
A Cornish Rex lies on a bed

Meet the cats with curly fur: These breeds will surprise you

Do you long for a cat with curly fur? Consider one of these four breeds that all carry this unique mutation along with a winning personality.
A school of rainbowfish in a tank

Fish swimming at the top of the tank? Check these 3 things right away

When something goes wrong in your aquarium, there are signs. Here's what you need to do if your fish are swimming at the top of the tank.
A wolf in the forest surrounded by colorful leaves

Did dogs evolve from wolves? The fascinating history behind your beloved pet

Did dogs evolve from wolves? Yes, but not the ones you see today. The history of these animals is interesting and illuminating.
Three beautiful budgies perch on a branch outside

Budgies 101: How to take care of America’s favorite pet bird

You might think that raising a parakeet won't be as much of a commitment as a dog or cat, but there's still a lot that goes into keeping them.
A corgi lies on her back on a pink bed inside a metal crate

Do dogs have belly buttons? The answer may surprise you

Do dogs have belly buttons? We'll walk you through what a navel really is and how to find it on your dog. Plus, what an umbilical hernia means.
A Danish–Swedish Farmdog carries a tennis ball in it's mouth towards the camera with both ears at attention

The little big dog just got an upgrade! The Danish-Swedish farmdog is now a recognized AKC breed

The Danish-Swedish farmdog has been recognized by the AKC and will become even more popular. Learn more about the little big dog.
Two platy fish swim together in an aquarium

The lifecycle of platies — how to take care of these pretty fish

Platy fish bring a splash of color to any tank and have a very interesting lifecycle because they give birth to live young.
Cat treat for training

How to train a cat: Secrets to a more obedient and friendly pet

Can cats be trained? This process is easier than you think. With a little patience, and a lot of treats, you'll have an obedient kitty in no time.
An Australian shepherd dog lies in the grass, panting

How to calm a panting dog: Proven methods for a calmer, happier pup

Why do dogs pant and how can you calm them? We'll walk through the causes and solutions for panting dogs so you can get them back to normal in no time.
Parakeet looks at himself in the mirror

Try these tips to make the perfect DIY bird toys for your pet at home

Birds, like so any other pets, love to play. Here's how to make the perfect DIY bird toys that they will love.
A woman snuggles with her dog in bed

How to comfort a dog with pancreatitis: What you can do at home

Pancreatitis can strike any dog, but with the right care and a little extra love, your sweet pet will feel better in no time.
A group of dogs sits on the sidewalk during their walk

What are the 7 breed groups and where does my dog fit in?

We understand there are different breeds of dogs but what are breed groups? Here are the seven different categories and what each is known for.
Resting pregnant cat sprawled on the ground outside

How to tell if a cat is pregnant: The key signs to watch out for

How do you know if your cat's pregnant? Watch for these signs and enlist the help of your vet to confirm that the babies (and mama) are healthy.
Dog sniffing an apple held by a person

What people food is OK to give your dog? Read this first to find out

Even though you may want to share your food with your dog, some snacks are not good for them. Here is what you need to know
A black and tan Cavalier King Charles Spaniel sits by his owner and follows obedience commands

How to train a dog: Techniques that actually work

Worried about training your dog? It doesn't have to be a challenge. Here's how to train a dog the right way so you both have a good time.
Three beautiful budgies perch on a branch outside

Travel often? 5 low-maintenance pets that won’t miss you much while you’re gone

Don't have time for a dog or cat? These five pets are low-maintenance and ready to go home with you right now without cramping your style.
Gray cat scratching a couch

How to keep a cat from scratching up your furniture

Scratching is a distinct cat behavior, but you don’t have to sacrifice your furniture to keep your cat happy. Here are some tips you can try.
A small hamster pokes his out from his bedding

Cute and unique good hamster names for 2025 you probably haven’t thought of

It's hard to choose the perfect name for your pet. Here are some of the cutest names for hamsters that no one can resist.
Gray cat sniffs dried lavender flowers

Is lavender safe for cats? What to understand

Is lavender safe for cats? You should keep both the plant and products made from it away from your kitty as much as possible.
Small dog howls at the sky while outside in the dirt

Dog sounds explained: What each bark, whine, and growl means

Dogs make a number of sounds, but what do they all mean? We'll help you figure out what your pet's trying to tell you with each vocalization.
Wonderful teacup Chihuahua enjoys the sunshine in the garden

A complete guide to the adorable teacup Chihuahua

Teacup Chihuahuas are even smaller than their already petit counterparts, but they still pack all the punch of this feisty breed.
Werewolf cat relaxing in his bed

The truth about the werewolf cat: Facts and features

The werewolf cat doesn't exactly look like a canine, but it does have a feisty personality. Here's everything you should know before getting one.
Owner having fun making a birthday party for her dog at home

How to bake a dog birthday cake your pup will love

Your dog can have a birthday cake, too, as long as you're willing to make something special. Here's how to put together a treat for your pup's big day.
Pomeranian looking at a cherry tomato in person's hand

Can dogs eat tomatoes without risk? What to understand

There are foods that we eat but our dogs shouldn't, so can dogs eat tomatoes? We'll walk you through whether this treat is safe and how to serve it.
A close \-up of a corgi's butt with people standing in the room behind

Why does my dog fart so much? It’s probably your fault

Why does my dog fart so much? It could come from their food or an underlying health condition. Here's how to fix it.
A Frenchie makes himself into a dog burrito by wrapping himself in a blanket

These dog breeds are the favorites of celebrities

Which dog breeds do celebrities love? We'll walk through the top choice pups for actors, athletes, and musicians.
Cat climbing out of a Litter Robot litter box

Why is your cat pooping on the floor? What to know about this disturbing behavior

Why is my cat pooping on the floor? We dig into the different causes to help you fix the problem and get your cat going in the litter box.
Doctor cleaning dog's teeth with toothbrush indoors

Why does my dog smell like fish? There could be a major problem

Why does my dog smell like fish? There could be a few causes but you should be able to sniff out the reason and work with your vet to fix it.
Two malamutes in the snow

Love cold weather? These are the breeds that will join you in the snow

Many dogs should not stay outside for long periods in cold weather, but these breeds thrive in subzero temperatures.
Profile of a drooling Irish setter

The best hunting dogs to have by your side

Have you ever wanted to take your dog hunting? Certain breeds will excel at this and at staying home and cuddling, too.
Cat sits in the bathroom looking out

Why do cats hate closed doors? What science says

Why do cats hate closed doors? There's more to the behavior than you think. We'll tackle the reasons behind this cat quirk and what you can do.
Azawakh dog outside in a yard

The most expensive dog breeds that may be worth it to be your companion

Which dogs cost the most? We'll take you through a list of the most expensive dogs that are actually worth bringing home.
Cute cat in Halloween costume

8 halloween cat names you’ll love for spooky season and all year

Cats already seem Halloweeny and we love the idea of doubling down with a name to match. Check out these eight options.
Parakeet on a branch

Here are the best birds to keep as pets

Birds come in a range of colors, demeanor, and sizes. Our list has some of the best birds to have as pets to suit your taste.
Cat scratching a couch

Why do cats scratch furniture? A new study says your behavior might be encouraging theirs

Why do cats scratch furniture? It could be a response to stress. We'll walk you through the latest research plus a few tips for stopping the behavior.
A pit bull under a table with carpet on floor

Can dogs smell stress? A new study reveals all

New research confirms what we always suspected: Human stress impacts our dogs, too. That can affect daily life and training.
A tuxedo cat lies on a black and white rug

Tuxedo cats: What you need to know about this black and white kitty

What are tuxedo cats and should you get one? Learn all about what makes these black and white kitties special.
Black and brown dog sniffing asparagus

Can dogs eat asparagus? Consider these things before mealtime

Can dogs eat asparagus? You can give it a try in small doses, but your pooch might not go for this chewy and fibrous snack.
A dog lies on the floor making sad eyes up at the camera

Why does your dog like stare at you?

Why does my dog stare at me? We'll break down the most likely reasons and how to figure out what has your pup gazing intently.
A Burmese cat with brown fur

7 amazing brown cat breeds to know: Discover all your options before choosing one

Which brown cat breed should you bring home? We'll walk you through the top kitties with brown coats that will make great additions to your family.
A dog rolling in the grass with a red chew toy

Why do dogs roll in the grass? This is actually very normal canine behavior

Why do dogs roll in grass? We'll tell you the secrets and give you an idea of how to curb the behavior when necessary.
A dog licks another dog's ears

Why do dogs lick each others’ ears? The reasons behind this strange behavior

Dogs love to lick each other's ears and for a couple of strange reasons. We'll walk you through the causes of this behavior.