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Cat Mealtime & Treats

Large silver tabby looking at camera

Should cats eat yogurt? Read this first before feeding your kitty this snack

Should cats eat yogurt? You may have heard cats love milk or that they're lactose intolerant. What gives? We'll dig in.
Cat on hind legs with gray and white fur

Are cats carnivores? Here’s what their diet says about them

Cat licking lips after eating

Can cats eat turkey bacon? What you need to know

Pregnant woman holding a cat in the kitchen with a male partner

Can cats eat chocolate without harm? The dangers explained

Ragdoll kittens eat wet food out of dishes

How much wet food to feed a cat? A helpful guide to keep your cat healthy

Himalayan cat getting a treat

Can cats eat pecans? What you need to know about feeding your feline this tree nut

A fluffy cat on top of pumpkins

Can cats have turkey? Here’s what to know and some tips on the cats and the holiday staple

White and gray cat with long hair looking up at a person

Can cats eat cranberries? Read this before your holiday meals

A cat in a chef's hat in front of bread

Can cats eat bread? What to know before you feed this snack

Black cat looking at a dinner plate

A quick guide for the people food cats can (and can’t) eat

Two cats eating from a bowl

Why cats shouldn’t eat dog food

Cat eating popcorn off a board

Can cats eat popcorn? Read this before movie night

Orange cat sniffing an orange

Can cats eat oranges? No, and here’s why

These delicious fruits are a summertime staple, but oranges and cats do not mix. Here's what you need to know.
A cat munches on a piece of cheese

Can cats eat cheese? What you need to know before snack time

People may love cheese, but is it good for your cat? We offer the facts plus what alternatives might work to deliver medication.
Cat sniffing eggs

Can cats eat eggs? It depends

Cats love meat but can they eat eggs? As long as you're only offering them in moderation, you can give your pet a cooked egg.
A tabby kitten standing in a bowl of kibble

When can kittens eat dry food? The lowdown on what you should feed them

Here's everything you need to know about feeding your new kitten.
Cat licking lips over food bowl

How often should I feed my cat? Here’s what to know about cat feeding schedules

Feeding schedules impact your cat's digestion, energy, and happiness. Here's how often you should feed your cat.
best dry cat food

The best dry cat foods of 2024

A well-balanced diet is vital for your cat's health. Discover how to select the right option and ensure it meets your kitty's nutritional needs.
A bowl of raw chicken plus supplements to feed to a pet

Can cats eat raw chicken? Yes, but there are huge health risks you need to know about

Is a raw diet right for your cat? Here's what you need to know about how to safely feed your cats raw chicken.
Kitten in kitchen eating

How many times a day should kittens eat?

Your kitten will need more fuel for his growing body than an adult cat. We give suggestions on how much he can eat each day to be happy.
A fluffy gray cat perches in a windowsill surrounded by autumnal decor

Can cats eat turkey? These are the Thanksgiving foods your cat can eat safely

Can cats eat turkey? Here are foods that are safe to share with your cat this Thanksgiving holiday (and the ones that aren't).
a white kitten with blue eyes in a cat tree

When do kittens start eating food? Know the facts for your fur baby’s health

When do kittens start eating food? Introducing solids is a process. You'll want to follow this guide for introducing your kitten to solid food
A tiny gray kitten drinks from a ceramic plate

This video of a confused kitty discovering a cat water fountain is adorable

Cats often prefer running water, but this little kitten doesn't yet know it. This video shows how a kitty tries to figure out her cat water fountain.
Car eating from a food bowl

Cat begging for food? How to make it stop for good so you can eat in peace

It can be annoying when your cat is begging for food constantly. Here's how to stop that behavior so you can eat in peace and quiet.
Cat with blueberries

Can cats eat blueberries? What you need to know

Let's explore whether cats can eat blueberries and the potential benefits and risks of feeding blueberries to your feline companion.
Cat sitting and eating a treat

Is chocolate toxic for cats like it is for dogs?

Here's the scoop on whether chocolate is bad for cats like it is for dogs.
why do cats like running water grey cat pawing tap

Video: Cat discovers the office water cooler, hilarity ensues

Do you wish you could take your cat to work with you? After this video about a cat drinking water, you’re really going to wish your office was pet-friendly.
A Himalayan cat eating a treat outdoors surrounded by fallen leaves

How long can cats go without food or water? It’s less time than you think

Here's what you need to know about how long cats can go without water and food. And it may be surprising.
Cat sitting in front of refrigerator

Cat food 101: Can you freeze wet cat food?

If your cat prefers wet food, storing it in the freezer creates less waste and makes mealtimes easy, too. Here's what you need to know.

The best liquid cat food brands your older cat is sure to love

As cats get older, their dietary needs change. These liquid cat food brands are sure to be a hit with cats of all ages.
Cat looking up from bowl

How to store dry cat food and keep it fresh: Here’s what you need to know

It's important to store your cat’s kibble in a way that will keep it fresh for weeks to come. We provide a list of sensible solutions.
Siamese cat eating wet food out of a dish

How to help your cat get healthy: Fantastic cat supplements for weight gain

Is your cat losing weight or having trouble keeping the pounds on? These supplements can help.
Cat drinking water out of a large metal bowl

Wondering why your cat is drinking so much water? Here’s what it could mean

Excessive thirst in cats has many potential causes. Learn what it means when your cat drinks more water than usual, and when you should be concerned.
Gray cat eating out of a metal food bowl

How to put a stop to your cat scratching the floor after eating (and why they do it in the first place)

Cats have an instinct to bury their food, but that doesn't mean your floor has to suffer.
Tabby cat stares at her kibble in a bowl

Can cats eat tomatoes? 5 common foods you should avoid feeding your pet

These five foods should never be introduced to your cat.
automatic cat feeder funny video

Pet math: Cats plus automatic feeders equal (hilarious) chaos

While there are a lot of practical reasons to get an automatic cat feeder, this video illustrates a great one: Cats are hilarious when it comes to mealtimes.
Cat eating out of a food dish

Tuna is like crack to your cat: Here’s how to moderate this treat

Forget catnip: tuna is like crack to your cat. Learn how to moderate this treat.
Kitten chewing on a toothbrush

5 easy ways to freshen your cat’s bad breath

If you're hoping for a way to make your cat's breath smell better, you've come to the right place! We list five tips to freshen your cat's breath.
White cat eating a treat off of the floor

5 delicious organic cat treats your feline will gobble up

These five organic cat treats will pamper your cat and leave it wanting more.
Cat sitting and eating a treat

10 human foods cats love (that are already in your pantry or fridge)

These 10 common pantry items are human foods cats love.
Older kitten in a yard drinking out of a bowl of milk

Is milk good or bad for cats? Here’s the truth

Ever wondered if milk is good for cats? Here's the truth.
White cat eating a treat off of the floor

10 human foods cats can eat safely

You can safely feed your cat these 10 human foods.
a black and white cat with a white dish

Making the switch from kitten to cat food? You’ll need to get the timing right

Follow these tips when switching from kitten food to cat food.
Mother cat lying on straw with her three kittens

Feeding a pregnant cat? There are a few things you’ll want to consider

Here are some guidelines to follow when feeding a pregnant cat.
A tabby cat licks her lips while staring at an empty plate on a table.

These 10 foods are toxic for cats: Do you have them in your kitchen?

These foods are toxic and unsafe for your cat and you'll want to avoid them.
A close-up of a long-haired cat sitting on a dining room table.

Can cats eat bananas? Why you shouldn’t serve them often

Here's everything you need to know about whether cats can eat bananas.
A cat stretching up to eat a treat out of a person's hand

3 great homemade cat treat recipes to make in October

These fall-themed cat treat recipes are perfect for October.
Woman feeding a longhaired cat a treat

3 adorable Halloween treats you can make for your cat

While you're gorging on candy, your cat can have these Halloween-inspired cat treats.
Woman feeding a longhaired cat a treat

We made these grain-free cat treats, and our cats loved them

These grain-free cat treats are healthy — and your cat will think they're great, too.
Cat sitting and eating a treat

Is your cat addicted to treats? This is how to kick the habit

Treats are fine on occasion, but too much is bad for your pet. Here's how to curb the habit.