Animals need water. That’s a given, as much, if not more, than humans. Most pet owners deal with this by providing their furry companions a water bowl or, with cats, a water fountain. I know because that’s exactly what I have sitting on my counter right now for my two cats.
However, the problem is that those water dishes and even fountains get dirty quickly. And even with a filtration system, the water quality is only as good as the water you’re putting in. Dirty water is a serious danger to your pets, dogs, cats, and other animals alike. If you didn’t know, it’s possible for them to come into contact with contaminants like Leptospira, a deadly bacteria that thrives in warm and stagnant water, like the kind you leave in your pet’s water bowl. According to the ASPCA, Lepto can cause fever, vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, and muscle pain.
That’s not good for their health, and it’s certainly not good for your family. No one wants to see their pets sick, especially because of something like stagnant or contaminated water. PETLIBRO’s Glacier pet water fountain is here to make it all better.
Its latest product, the Glacier Ultrafiltration Stainless Steel pet water fountain, provides high-quality water backed by science, looks great, and won’t cramp your style or decor. Your pets get to enjoy some of the freshest, cleanest water they’ve ever had, too. Let’s take a closer look at what makes that clean water flow.
Before we do that, if you’re interested, you can take advantage of a 20% off promo code by using paw007 at checkout through PETLIBRO. If you’re ordering via Amazon, you won’t need that promo code.
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What makes the PETLIBRO Glacier ultrafiltration fountain better than others?
Yes, PETLIBRO’s Glacier fountain is worlds different than a standard water bowl, but it’s also far better than your average pet water fountain. For starters, it has a human-grade ultrafilter to deliver clean, fresh water with no contaminants to your pets. That filter lasts up to two months and continues working effectively, reducing how often you have to change it without causing problems for your furry friends. It filters 99.9% of bacteria.
The fountain is also meticulously crafted from stainless steel, with a sleek design that fits with modern home decor, no matter where you place it. In fact, it’s the world’s first stainless steel fountain with a filter at human-grade. It fits right in with PETLIBRO’s other Dockstream series fountains.
By comparison, ceramic or plastic bowls are prone to triggering something called black chin in cats, which is mild acne. Plastic and ceramic bowls used for food and water are direct causes of this, with poor grooming another concern. Furthermore, gastrointestinal problems can occur because of poor water and food quality – including hairballs, kidney-related diseases, and more.
Giving your pets clean, fresh water is vital to their health.
Pets deserve quality, too
Pets, cats especially, like to sneakily drink and eat from the same glasses as you. It happens to everyone, and time and time again, I’ve had to shoo my cats, who wanted to drink out of my water glass. One of the reasons they do this is because the water is cleaner or tastes better, and if there are ice cubes in the glass, that’s all she wrote.
The PETLIBRO Glacier stainless steel fountain solves this problem by providing fresh, delicious water to your cats, but also cold water that’s refreshing. Picky animals won’t even drink from a dirty water bowl because they either smell bad odors or they know there are impurities in it. If the water bowl has been sitting for a time outside, too, then there are likely a ton of contaminants built up, maybe even harmful bacteria.
The sad and unfortunate thing about dirty water is that it’s easy to miss the problem until it becomes a major health concern.
You prefer high-quality water for yourself, and no one can blame you for that. It’s more pleasant and refreshing. But why wouldn’t you expect that from your beloved animals? It’s time to make sure they have everything they need, fresh water included.
This pet water fountain makes it easier for you
Think about how often you clean your pet’s water bowl or fountain – if you don’t clean it, then just think about how much filth they’re exposed to. The PETLIBRO Glacier is super easy to care for. The water tank and basin are dishwasher-safe, and there are indicator lights built into the fountain to tell you precisely when it’s time for water refills or filter replacements, removing a lot of the guesswork involved.
Not to mention, there are a lot of pet-safe features that make it the best choice for little Fido or Whiskers the cat. The cables are chew-proof, the water basin is anti-whisker fatigue-ready, and a vacuum suction system ensures added comfort and safety – it pulls in the water to be filtered continuously.
Ultimately, your pets deserve better. The PETLIBRO Glacier Ultrafiltration Stainless Steel pet water fountain is key to providing that. Use code paw007 at checkout to get 20% off for a limited time, but only if you’re ordering through PETLIBRO. You won’t need that promo code if you buy on Amazon.
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