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7 interesting facts about macaws to decide if they’re right for you

It’s a straight-up fact: Macaws are amazing. Brightly colored. Fiercely intelligent. Chatty Cathys. You can look at just about any aspect of their sparkling personalities and find something to love. Of course, that doesn’t mean these birds are the right pet for everyone. As large, long-living creatures, they will fit well with a certain type of family: one with a lot of space and time to offer attention in excess. Still, welcoming a macaw into your fold will guarantee you endless entertainment and a lot of affection.

A pair of scarlet macaws sit on a branch
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Macaws can live up to 50 years

That’s right — half a century. So, if you get a pet macaw as a kid, he’ll happily attend your retirement party. Some breeds live longer than others, and occasionally these guys have been known to even pass their golden jubilee. As with all pets, owning this bird means making a commitment — for decades in this case.

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They’re the biggest pet bird

Unless you have an ostrich (or are a professional falconer), the hyacinth macaw is the biggest bird that we keep as pets. It’s the largest of the parrot family with a wingspan of 5 feet. For this reason, you can’t keep this bird in a little cage — he will need an aviary or large room to call his own. One other good part about this: Because they’re so big, many hyacinth macaws can live peacefully with cats and dogs, who won’t see them as easy prey.

Hyacinth macaw flies across the grass
Image used with permission by copyright holder

They’ve been pets for almost 2,500 years

Or at least their cousins. The earliest recording of a parrot in captivity was 400 B.C. This may be part of the reason why we have such a bond with them and why they can learn to communicate so well with humans. Some breeds have spent a long time around us! And it seems they’ve picked something up.

They can learn to talk

Macaws are intelligent and social creatures, which helps them mimic human speech and gives them an urge to converse. Sometimes too much, as any parrot owner will attest. Bird vocal organs don’t look like mammalian ones, instead they use their syrinx to speak. Your animal’s vocabulary won’t match that of the African grey, but you can (and should) teach him a few words, phrases, and songs. He’ll love using this new skill to interact with you and even other pets in the household.

Macaw parents name their kids

Well, sort of. In the wild, macaws “talk” to each other with chirps and squawks. They court their mates, warn the flock of danger, and give their offspring names or something close to it. Many macaws designate clicks or trills to differentiate between members of their families. We certainly recommend teaching your parrot your name in English and perhaps he’ll translate it for you.

Macaw tilts his head up under a raised wing
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Some macaws mate for life

They capture their partner’s attention with elaborate song and dance (or at least tail and vocal displays) and stay with the bird of their choice their whole long lives. Once mated, both males and females spend time incubating the eggs — these guys make very equitable parents. You’ll need to keep this in mind when choosing your pet since you would never want to separate a pair of love birds.

Many species are endangered or threatened

The problem is twofold: Macaws face loss of habitat and reduced numbers from the pet trade. That doesn’t mean you can’t own a macaw, but it does mean you should do your research and find a bird that’s been bred ethically. Consider adopting an animal in need of rehoming. Since they live so long, you will still have plenty of years left with your new avian. You can also donate to bird rescue organizations in his honor like the World Parrot Trust.

Sold on ownership with these facts about macaws? Remember that these birds require a ton of attention and training. If you get him as a small chick, you can’t just stick with imparting a large vocabulary. While they’re fairly easy to tame, it takes dedication to get your big bird to bond with you and others in the family. You also need to research their diet and habitat requirements (which vary by species) thoroughly before bringing home a feathered friend.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
Everything you need to know about equine therapy
Man in a wheelchair laughing as he pets a horse.

When people think of therapy animals, it's usually smaller pets like dogs, cats, or rabbits that come to mind. But the majestic horse has steadily grown in popularity for use in animal-assisted therapy programs. For example, the Professional Association of Therapeutic Horsemanship International (PATH Intl) has 813 member centers worldwide and helps support more than 53,300 men, women, and children with special needs.
What is equine therapy?
Equine therapy or equine-assisted therapy is the use of horses to improve the lives of people struggling with physical or mental challenges. Equine therapy programs are launched with different goals in mind and operated with teams that include licensed therapists, certified equine specialists, and volunteers. Some focus on mental health and may or may not include a horseback riding component while others such as physical and occupational therapy programs center around clients doing physical exercise while sitting on a horse.

How does equine therapy work?
In equine-assisted psychotherapy participants typically interact with the horses on the ground only. They groom, feed, and walk horses under the supervision of mental health professionals.  According to the Equine Assisted Growth and Learning Association (EAGALA), equine-assisted psychotherapy allows clients of all ages to work on such issues as assertiveness, confidence, impulse control, and social skills.

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Do turtles make good pets? This one fact may make you reconsider
Person strokes their pet turtle

Some like dogs and some like cats, but there's a whole other category of people who enjoy a different kind of pet. Sometimes it's not a furry animal that completes your home, but a little something else. Birds, lizards, turtles, and snakes all can make perfect companions for the right person with the right setup. But don't jump into reptile ownership without giving it a thorough examination first — there's a lot that is tricky about taking care of these creatures. As always, you need to research "turtles as pets" carefully, including the downsides, before you decide to become a Testudine parent.

What types of turtles make for good pets?
In order to choose the right little guy, you first need to make a big decision: land or sea? Of course, all turtles need some amount of water, but aquatic species live almost entirely in rivers or ponds while terrestrial species spend most of their time on the ground. From there you can narrow it down depending on the size of animal you want to keep and the conditions you feel able to maintain. Two common varieties that we recommend are the red-eared slider and the box turtle. You'll still have choices to make as you'll find variety when you go to the breeder or pet store to find your new shell-friend.
What does your pet turtle need to stay healthy?
Before you even bring your pet home, you'll have to get a new enclosure ready for him. Exact needs vary by animal, but you'll want a body of water, adequate substrate, a UV lamp, and a basking area. For an aquatic turtle, your tank will look more like an aquarium with a few good pieces of land that enable them to climb out and warm up in the artificial sun. Lastly, don't make the mistake of getting a tiny tank just because your baby turtle looks small now. An adult needs 10 gallons for every inch of their shell.

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Myth or fact: throwing uncooked rice will hurt birds (you might guess wrong)
Sparrows eat rice out of a man's hand

Everyone knows of a few things that pets can't eat: cats and lilies, dogs and chocolate, birds and rice. Or wait, is that actually a problem? Is rice bad for birds? While you may have been to a wedding where the classic tradition was replaced with a bag of Feathered Friend, that might in fact not be necessary. After all, our happy singers eat other seeds and grains with no problems all the time. So can birds eat rice and how would you feed it to them? Here's what you need to know about offering a snack to your little birds.

Can birds eat uncooked rice?
The myth goes that you can't feed birds uncooked rice because it will absorb all the water in their stomachs and kill them. Depending on who you heard it from, you may even get the version where it causes them to explode by cooking inside their stomachs. One minute, they're eating a grain of white rice and the next it has blown up to many times its size and taking the bird with it. It sounds a little out there, and it should give you pause cause it's not true. Remember that when you make rice on the stove you boil it at 212 degrees; if a bird's stomach was that hot, it would have much bigger problems. Plus, keep in mind that seeds and other grains like corn and grasses are all bird food. In the wild, many birds eat rice as well and they certainly don't blow up because of it. 
Can birds eat cooked rice?
Yup, just as with uncooked rice, cooked rice is also fine for our backyard visitors. Some species like pigeons and doves will enjoy it a lot and it works well for them in winter especially (when they want easy-access, filling food). It doesn't really matter what type you go for as birds won't notice the difference between short vs long grain. The one thing you need to consider closely is that the meal should be totally unseasoned. That means no salt or other spices, not even herbs. Lastly, don't give the birds warm food since you won't want them eating something fresh out of the pot, but otherwise, they'll certainly enjoy sharing your meal when you have stir fry for dinner. 

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