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Certain colors may scare your bird – these are the ones to avoid

Here are the right and wrong colors for your pet bird's mood

Have you noticed that your bird responds differently to different colors and might even be startled by certain shades? Birds across the globe come in all colors — it’s one of the delights of birdwatching. In the home, parakeets, parrots, and canaries are well known for their beautiful plumage, another appealing aspect of owning these pets. But nature has given our feathered friends an instinct to perceive particular bright colors as a threat and thus avoid them. With careful observation and a little planning, you can avoid upsetting your bird with specific hues.

Two parrots feed while perched in human hand
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Why are birds attracted to certain colors?

There are probably a few reasons birds seem attracted to certain colors. Many birds eat fruit and the nectar of flowers and are therefore inclined to the colors associated with them. That’s why hummingbirds and others go for the bright, beautiful flowers in our yards (or the feeders designed to mimic them). In addition, pretty feathers aren’t just attractive to you but are also intended to help birds procure mates. On the other hand, birds in the wild might display color patches as a warning, which may lead fellow birds to fear some colors.

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What colors are birds afraid of?

Many bird owners swear that their bird is afraid of red, and there’s probably some truth to that. Just as we take red to mean caution, so too, do some birds, who may view it with trepidation. If your bird finds red scary, try to minimize its presence around your birdcage or play area. 

Another color that may frighten your bird is white. Like red, this is often used as a warning sign because it stands out, particularly for your bird’s special eyes. It’s unlikely that your pet will tremble in terror every time he sees your white walls, but you’ll want to avoid bright spots that may catch the light and scare him inadvertently.

Because some birds see UV light, they look at the world entirely differently than we do. So it might actually be the intensity of the color and not the color itself that is scaring your bird. When you’re designing your bird’s nesting area, choose neutral tones like green, yellow, and blue to avoid any colors that might be alarming to them. You can play around with different shades and hues to best determine which colors your bird likes. If you don’t know where to start, observe your bird for clues to which colors might attract or repel him. 

Scared parrot squawks
Image used with permission by copyright holder

What are the signs of a scared bird?

Like humans, birds display a few telltale signs that they are afraid. Some of these will be obvious immediately, such as squawking, and others take time to understand and can vary by species and individual. 

When your bird becomes scared or stressed, you may see him pacing or flapping in his cage. Check it out, but keep an open mind as birds do stretch and exercise their wings. You’ll probably be able to tell if your bird is having a pretend fly or quaking in fear. A wide-eyed, screeching, and flapping bird is most likely distressed. This should be an immediate sign that something is wrong and you need to investigate to determine what is disturbing your bird. If he’s triggered by his environment, he may also become aggressive, so tread carefully while he’s in this mood. Distressed birds do occasionally bite out of fear. Maintain distance while he calms down or wear gloves if he’s upset, but you have to pick him up.

Other signs, such as stress fasting or pooping, may take a little longer to suss out, and you should mindfully watch your avian for any new or unusual stimuli when he is exhibiting these odd behaviors. Similarly, a bird might overpreen if something is causing him long-term stress, which can damage the bird’s skin and feathers. Pet owners sometimes report birds who also give up singing when they become overanxious.

Once you know your pet bird, it will be easier to tell when something bothers him and to root out the cause. If you think a color might be the culprit, look for bright shades that might be frightening him. Always consult your vet if your pet feels prolonged stress, and consider a redecoration project to ease him with the playful colors he enjoys. 

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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Why do birds fly into windows?
Turn off the lights inside and go out during the early morning to look at your windows. You'll likely see a dim version of your own yard reflected back to you. While it only gives you a moment's pause, birds don't understand that a plant can show up in a piece of glass but not really be there. Unfortunately, this means when they fly into your windows, they're actually trying to get into the trees. That's because there's a wide-open sky in the panes of your home welcoming the avians of your area.

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Three chickens eat while outside in their backyard

Urban chicken coops are trendy and rightfully so. With a group of hens you get fun pets plus eggs — how often does the family dog contribute after all? But you can't dive in on every Instagram trend, and this one, in particular, requires a pretty big upfront commitment mixed with a reasonable amount of upkeep, especially for beginners who have never owned so much as a parakeet. Just because it seems like a lot to handle, that doesn't mean you aren't cut out for poultry farming; many find it fun and rewarding. Before jumping into backyard chickens, think through these six things and determine if a flock of birds is really the right fit for you.

Look up local laws
Even if you see chickens roaming nearby, you'll want to thoroughly check up on the laws of your area, as well as any HOA regulations. You'd be surprised how many very specific rules might apply to setting up your little farm. Think about the coop itself, the rules for owning fowl, and the noise ordinances. Specifically, if you intend to have a rooster heading up your group as they can crow at decibels you wouldn't imagine and at hours you don't usually see.
Find your perfect spot
Next, scope out your yard and start planning. You need a large space for the coop itself (more on that in a minute) but that's not the whole picture. Since you started with a relatively small space to begin with (remember chickens often roam over many acres in a more rural habitat), you want both an indoor structure and an outdoor run. Altogether, you might need a sizable portion of the yard to accommodate them. If you plan to add other birds like ducks, you must calculate too where the pool will go and how they will access it.
Design your urban chicken coop
There are probably a few laws governing how big this can be, and you might need to apply for a permit, so you'll spend a decent amount of time in the design phase. Decide if you want to buy something pre-made or build a structure that perfectly fits into your yard. Either way, you should allocate about three square feet per chicken, so your building will get big quick, even if you want to start small. And that's just indoors. They need to be able to come out sometimes but still stay safely nearby.
Research breeds
Think all chickens are the same? Think again. Get ready to narrow it down from the 500 chicken breeds out there. The local climate will slim that as well as the available space, but you still have a bit of your own studying to do. And it's not just breed, you can impact what types of eggs you get based on what chicks you get (along with the food and environment).

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