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You can use clicker training to teach your bird all sorts of fun tricks

Owning a pet involves training, which requires dedication, time, and the right tools for the job. Even your bird can learn a trick or two, though maybe not quite as many as your border collie. All birds are capable of learning interesting skills if you work hard and stay really consistent. When training an avian, repetition is key, and so is a reward system. Introducing a bird training clicker will streamline this process and can enhance your instruction technique for faster and better results. Here’s how to implement a click training regimen for your pet that works for both of you.

Woman feeds her birds in a cage
Image used with permission by copyright holder

What do you need for training?

First, you need that all-important bird training clicker. Don’t just grab any household item as this project really does require a proper clicker which is something you can carry around that makes a clear but quiet sound. Birds have good hearing so there’s no need to overdo it. As silly as it sounds, break in your instrument and practice timing while out of the hearing range of your flyer. For this type of training to be effective, birdie needs an incentive, and that means treats. Only you know what will motivate your pet, but try something that can be doled out quickly, easily, and often, like fruit or oats.

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How do you get started?

If you unbox your clicker and just start pressing the button, your bird will have no idea what that sound means. The clicker training style only works when your animal associates the button with a reward. Step one establishes the clicker sound as a sign that good things are to come. The trick here is timing, as you need to give your bird the treat right after he hears the click. Keep this up until it becomes clear that he expects a snack when he hears the sound, suggesting he understands the concept. It is helpful to stop for a couple of days then come back to it to ensure that it has stuck. Wait to start on the actual training until after you’ve completed this essential step.

Is clicker training bad for birds?

Clicker training is not at all bad for birds. In fact, this training method works great for just about any trainable pet. Think of it as a positive reinforcement model. You only click and reward when the trainee performs the desired action. In other words, every time you see him do his trick or behave properly, you give him a treat so he becomes conditioned to it. This isn’t about chastising or redirecting, and the clicker should never be used for anything negative as that will confuse your bird and can even cause regression. Additionally, stay calm throughout and never show it if you’re feeling frustrated. The last thing you want is to make your feathered friend think that stress or unhappiness surrounds this process, which will turn him off from it right away. Training sessions should be kept short and should end if either party gets fed up. 

Parakeet sits on a branch looking quizzically
Image used with permission by copyright holder

What tricks can my bird learn?

Once you have your stage set, the fun begins! When your bird learns cool tricks it can be as exciting for you as it is for him. Armed with your clicker (and snacks of course), it is time to begin the event you’ve been preparing for. Even though you’ve been building up to this, keep it simple at first and grow from there. For example, starting with small wing and foot movements serves as a good stepping-off point for more complex maneuvers. 

Remember that you shouldn’t be handling your bird much during training because he needs to perform the motion independently in order to learn it. Instead, guide him using snacks and your clicker into increasingly complex acrobatics, either physical or verbal. Consider working up to turning around, waving, fetching, dancing, and coming when you call. For an extra ambitious project, try potty training your bird. Just like us, he may take to some things more quickly than others. Follow his lead and double down on what comes naturally to him.

Strengthen your bond with your bird

Going through training together isn’t just about getting your bird to wave hello and goodbye; it’s also a bonding experience. By the end of your first week, you’ll feel closer than ever to him, and he’ll be learning to trust you even more. It does help to start with a hand-raised bird who will have a deeper comfort level, but you can adjust training to your bird’s temperament easily. Honestly, with this device in hand, you can get him to learn just about anything you both set your minds to.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
Can you take your bearded dragon on a walk? We tried so you don’t have to
Bearded dragon on a leash with a harness

Everyone understands that Fido needs to be walked, typically multiple times per day. But many other animals enjoy an excursion to the great outdoors too — we've all seen cute pics of cats, bunnies, and even ferrets rocking a leash. Want to give it a try with your lizard? It is possible to walk a bearded dragon, and both of you can enjoy the experience, provided you don't have dog-level expectations. It might take a little extra preparation, but with the right equipment, you can take a trip out to explore the wide world together. 

Do beardies like to go on walks?
Well, define walks. You won't be able to take your reptile out and do laps with him around the neighborhood. Make sure you only intend to go for a tiny outing and that you start really small. Truth be told, he'll probably just look around a little bit and then decide to go back inside where it's temperature and humidity-controlled and there's unlimited free food. But you may find that he looks forward to these short jaunts into his natural habitat. If that winds up being the case, you should continue them even though it's not the same as a "real" romp.
What type of harness does my bearded dragon need?
Especially at first, you'll need some way to secure your animal, and that's where the harness comes in. Just as you'd put your dog or cat on a leash attached to a collar, so too you need something to maintain control and keep track of your reptile. Don't go outside without something to keep him close by since it only takes seconds to lose track of your pet, who can get away quickly and go under or over things you can't. Some of these contraptions come in different sizes, and you can try a few out and see what works best for the both of you. Choose one specifically for this species, though — do not repurpose a mammal harness or try to make your own if he hasn't tried it out yet. You need him to stay secure for the entirety of your expedition.
How do I know if my beardie is comfortable?
You certainly want to ensure that the harness fits and that you aren't dragging him around, much as you would with any other pet. On top of that, though, check the temp outside before scheduling your journey. It needs to be extremely warm for him to do well outdoors. As in, well into the 80s preferably with a gentle sun beating down. Don't go out in the rain or cold as that does not match his natural habitat, which is often the desert and other warm climates. However, he also needs the opportunity for a cooldown at a moment's notice. Stay within reach of some shade as that will allow him to escape there as needed. Along these lines, keep the walks short to start, maybe five or 10 minutes until you adjust to his preference. 

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Determined to raise backyard chickens? 6 essential things to do before you set up your coop
Three chickens eat while outside in their backyard

Urban chicken coops are trendy and rightfully so. With a group of hens you get fun pets plus eggs — how often does the family dog contribute after all? But you can't dive in on every Instagram trend, and this one, in particular, requires a pretty big upfront commitment mixed with a reasonable amount of upkeep, especially for beginners who have never owned so much as a parakeet. Just because it seems like a lot to handle, that doesn't mean you aren't cut out for poultry farming; many find it fun and rewarding. Before jumping into backyard chickens, think through these six things and determine if a flock of birds is really the right fit for you.

Look up local laws
Even if you see chickens roaming nearby, you'll want to thoroughly check up on the laws of your area, as well as any HOA regulations. You'd be surprised how many very specific rules might apply to setting up your little farm. Think about the coop itself, the rules for owning fowl, and the noise ordinances. Specifically, if you intend to have a rooster heading up your group as they can crow at decibels you wouldn't imagine and at hours you don't usually see.
Find your perfect spot
Next, scope out your yard and start planning. You need a large space for the coop itself (more on that in a minute) but that's not the whole picture. Since you started with a relatively small space to begin with (remember chickens often roam over many acres in a more rural habitat), you want both an indoor structure and an outdoor run. Altogether, you might need a sizable portion of the yard to accommodate them. If you plan to add other birds like ducks, you must calculate too where the pool will go and how they will access it.
Design your urban chicken coop
There are probably a few laws governing how big this can be, and you might need to apply for a permit, so you'll spend a decent amount of time in the design phase. Decide if you want to buy something pre-made or build a structure that perfectly fits into your yard. Either way, you should allocate about three square feet per chicken, so your building will get big quick, even if you want to start small. And that's just indoors. They need to be able to come out sometimes but still stay safely nearby.
Research breeds
Think all chickens are the same? Think again. Get ready to narrow it down from the 500 chicken breeds out there. The local climate will slim that as well as the available space, but you still have a bit of your own studying to do. And it's not just breed, you can impact what types of eggs you get based on what chicks you get (along with the food and environment).

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Try out these 6 different kinds of best bird feeders to attract your feathered friends
House finch eats at nyger feeder

Bird feeders come in multiple shapes and sizes because birds do, too. Each feeder accommodates a different feeding style, and many are enticing to a particular species. Before setting up your feeders, think first about what kinds of flyers you want to attract — and which ones are likely to oblige. Then, once you have a good bird-watching list, scout out the right locations and the best feeders to attract them. You can put out all these for the widest array of visitors or focus on a few types and get the best setup for just those eaters. Here are the six best bird feeders and what feathered friends you'll probably see feeding at them.

What are the different types of bird feeders?
You probably have a bunch of different dishes in your home — plates, bowls, maybe a gravy boat. Our avian guests have the same needs. After all, some birds eat seeds, some animal fat, some flowers, and some nectar. Take a look through these top types and figure out which one — or ones — belong in your yard.
Hummingbird feeders
Putting up a hummingbird feeder all but ensures you'll add a splash of color to your life. This one will bring in gorgeous birds and look nice in the window. Of course, the drawback is that you need to clean it often by hand. Don't worry: A little soap and water will do the trick, and its glass construction means it will last a long time. Feeding hummingbirds saves your wallet, too, since you can make all the food yourself. Boil 1 part sugar and 4 parts water to create this concoction and refrigerate any left over right away. It'll take your neighborhood birds a minute to find their new restaurant, but once they've discovered it (and given a rave review to their friends), you'll never run out of visitors, provided you keep the food flowing. 
Hopper feeders
This is a classic bird feeder that adorns nearly every yard at one time or another. You'll get large birds — and probably large squirrels — as regulars at this one. Try hanging it from a strategic spot or mounting it on a pole to avoid squirrels, but that might be a losing battle. Instead, focus on attracting the birds you do like with the proper seed for them (don't forget to keep it full). We suspect you'll spot a menagerie here, especially jays and cardinals since it's welcoming to bigger animals. Unlike the hummingbird feeder, you won't bring this one indoors often, and should make sure it's reachable by hose or bucket for proper cleaning. 
Tube feeders
The smaller birds of the community will thank you for this tube feeder, as the little perches and openings go well with tiny feet and beaks. Watch for a mix of sparrows, chickadees, and titmice who enjoy having a spot of their own, and look at purchasing a blend that encourages them. However, a small feeder means you have to fill it regularly. It might take a few weeks, but you should get an idea of how often the birds start begging for a refill. Finding a spot can prove tricky because you never know when the guests of honor will alight on the other side. Place it between windows to best see every angle. 

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