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5 cute aquarium design ideas you should try

An aquarium isn’t just for your pets — your fish tank adds to the aesthetic of your home as well. When designing your living marine museum, you’ll want to make sure it looks good to you and your pet, so you both enjoy the decor. Not sure where to start? We’ve got a few DIY aquarium ideas to spice up your fish’s house and yours.

Fish in aquarium illuminated in blue light
Ludovic Migneault/

Play with light

You’ll need to be extra mindful with this one, as tank lighting can impact your fish and even your plants. However, if you get it right, your light show will dazzle your guests and your pets. The amount of simulated sunlight your tank needs will vary based on species and the size of the tank, so make sure you have that covered first. Then set up different colors, day and night modes, and special fixtures that bring out the beautiful scales of your aquatic animals. You’re putting your pets on display while showing off your creative side as well.

Woman places decorations into a fish tank
Sumeth anu/Shutterstock

Make a scene

You’ll start by brainstorming aquarium decoration ideas and choosing a theme. It can be anything from pirates to princesses, dogs and cats, to the Wild West. To create an engaging scenario, you need to pay attention to each section of the tank. Use the space to your advantage instead of just putting everything at the bottom. You’ll begin on the floor by setting up figures that nestle into the substrate. Then complete the stage by attaching extra objects to the lid and walls. Fish love to have somewhere to hide, so look for accessories that also serve as a place for your pets to explore (and lurk!). Get only fish-safe materials like ceramic, plastic, and glass in your aquarium, or you risk contaminating the environment. You should also avoid strings, sharp edges, and sticky substances that might harm your pets.

Small fish swim around a decorated aquarium

Keep it natural

Rocks, plants, driftwood, corals — all these organic elements can be used to create a beautiful atmosphere in the aquarium without adding anything that wouldn’t occur in the wild. As with a staged theme, you’ll want to think about the different layers of the ecosystem. Find plants that will spread on the bottom and those that will poke out of the very surface of the water. Add in small logs and shiny pebbles to complete the ambiance. Sadly, it’s not safe to bring in materials from the outside as that might introduce parasites to the tank, so you’ll have to source these from a reputable shop.

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Use reflection

Some breeds like bettas become pretty aggressive and even attack mirrors, thinking they contain a rival, so be extra careful introducing something shiny. You don’t want to stress out your fish by making this a component of his habitat if he doesn’t take to it. However, cleverly placed reflectors can let you get a better look at your animals without causing them any harm or intruding on the flow of your tank. Mirrors also can reflect light in fun ways to better illuminate your aquarium and highlight the brilliance of your pets. And some species enjoy getting a good look at themselves because they believe they have an extra friend.

Decorate the glass

Your tank is a canvas just waiting for you to make your mark. Try out stickers, gel clings, and colored paper to find the right design for you. Be mindful of blocking too much light or hiding your fish from view — they’re the stars after all. Think about adding only to the back panel (outside the tank), where you’ll be able to view your decor through the water. If any of your pets are shying away or attacking the glass, you’ll want to remove everything quickly. But most likely, they’ll get used to it and enjoy the artwork you’ve provided.

No matter what, keep in mind that your fish need to like your updated style, too. Pay close attention to them when you redecorate the tank and make sure it’s not stressing your animals, especially if you add accessories or change the lighting. Then mix it up again when you’re sick of it. The goldfish three-second memory is a myth, so making tweaks and moving things every so often can serve as enrichment for your pets.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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Add rainbowfish to your tank – these beauties will brighten up any aquarium
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A colorful rainbowfish swims in front of plants in an aquarium

You might know of rainbowfish from the beloved children's book, but these are real animals that you can keep in your own home. As the name suggests, this group of swimmers is well regarded for being beautiful to behold. Many also get along nicely with other fish and can be handled by beginners. This is what you need to know before bringing home a rainbowfish.
What are rainbow fish?
It's a bit of a catch-all term because there are at least 50 species that all fall under the rainbowfish umbrella. Some work better as pets than others, and you'll probably be looking at boesemani rainbowfish, turquoise rainbowfish, featherfin rainbowfish, or red neon rainbowfish. If you're adding to an existing tank, research carefully to ensure you only get ones that will make friends with your current animals.
What conditions do they need to live in?
These are all freshwater fish, but their exact temperature and pH balance needs vary depending on which species you bring home. You can use your existing tank specs to narrow it down or do the opposite — pick the prettiest fish and then build your ecosystem around it. One thing to note right away is that you shouldn't keep males together and no rainbowfish wants to live on its own because they like to school. Consider keeping a group of six females if you want to prevent expansion.

Why should you add them to your tank?
Here are four excellent reasons to keep rainbowfish as pets.
They look beautiful
You can find just about any gradient you want in a rainbowfish. Some incorporate many colors, more like a traditional rainbow, while others skew toward blue, such as the turquoise rainbowfish, or red, such as the aptly named red rainbowfish.
They get along with other fish
While you want them to have friends of their own species, they'll also do great with others. Female rainbowfish can sometimes live with female bettas if you want to create a color explosion. Otherwise consider catfish, gouramis, and loaches as tank mates.
They're good beginner fish
The care level of most rainbowfish sits at about the same as a neon tetra (in fact, they can live together). Make sure your tank stays clean and that you change and test the water frequently, but they don't have any specialty needs.
They live a long time
Many tank dwellers have short life spans, and rainbowfish won't be any different if not properly cared for. However, boesemani rainbowfish, in the right environment, regularly make it to 5 years and sometimes even t10 years!

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Are female betta fish worth it? Here’s why you should consider getting one of these pretty fish
Unlike males, female betta fish can live together, and get along with other fish, too
A blue female betta in a tank

Betta fish (also known as Siamese fighting fish) rocketed to fame and took a spot as one of our favorite swimming pets for their beautiful color and elegant fins. They, too, are recognized for being aggressive toward each other and will even flare (a display) to you, their owner. However, many of those characteristics only apply to the males of the species, whereas the female versions look and act a little differently. Here's why you should consider bringing one of these lady bettas home.

What are betta fish?
These underwater beauties come from Thailand and live in rice paddies in the wild. It's a myth that they only need a small tank, but bettas often do make great solitary pets that can thrive in an aquarium by themselves. They can also live with many other fish, just not other bettas. One fun thing about these swimmers is that they learn to recognize their owners and will get excited when you come to feed them every night.
How do female bettas differ from males?
You probably know that you can't keep male bettas with others of their kind, as they will fight males and sometimes aggressively mate with females (we recommend only experts breed them). Female bettas won't likely be building any bubble nests though, as that's a job for the males.

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