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Why does your dog smell bad? Here’s how to fix it

One of these things might be the cause of your stinky pooch

A woman lies on the floor and cuddles a brown and white Australian Shepherd
Izemphoto / Shutterstock

Whether your dog is a young pup or an old buddy, a stinky canine could be a cause for concern, and not just for your nose! While we love that most of our dogs spend relaxing evenings on our laps or at our feet, it can sometimes be miserable to be so close to them when they are smelly. This is not only stinky for you, but also for them when you banish them to another room. So why does your dog smell so bad? Let’s bring cuddling back into your nighttime routine and find out why your pup might be a stinky dog.

Why does your dog smell so bad?

dog in yellow raincoat on bench

Here are some of the reasons your dog might be more smelly than usual.

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Bad breath from tartar buildup

One of the most common complaints about dogs is their bad breath. Buildup of tarter and possible gum disease can cause some incredibly bad breath for your pup.


Depending on their diet, your dog might suffer from room-clearing gas. This stinky flatulence is usually caused by their latest meal but could also be a sign of a more severe ailment. If your pup’s smelly gas does not improve with a new food regimen, it might be time to see a vet.

Skin issues

Many breeds suffer from chronic skin issues. These problems can range from dry patches to itchy skin that leads to excessive scratching and infection. If your dog is a smelly felly, check their skin for red spots or flakes.

Ear infections

Breeds with ears that hang down can easily get ear infections that smell to high heavens. Ear infections typically have a yeast smell and can be a serious and painful problem for your dog. If you smell something rotten coming from your dog’s ears and see red and inflamed skin, take them to see their vet.

Anal glands

Dogs have two pouches in their rectum called anal glands. These glands hold and secrete a malodorous oil every time your pup poops. Sometimes the sacks can get infected or impacted, causing the oil to secrete at other times in your home. This is a pungent and unmistakable smell once you learn to recognize it. Take your dog to the vet to get their glands checked if you suspect this is the issue.

Lack of grooming

Dog baths are not always fun for you or your pup, and it can be expensive to take them to a groomer. Sometimes grooming winds up on the back burner, and the reason for your pup’s smell is simply that they’re dirty. Remember that over-grooming is also terrible for your dog’s skin and can cause other dry skin issues.


Seborrhea is a skin condition that needs a section of its own. Characterized by scaling and flaking of the skin, seborrhea is most common in dogs with folding skin. Breeds like English bulldogs, shar-peis, and pugs should be checked regularly for this smelly issue. It can also be painful and cause infection if not treated.

Kidney disease or diabetes

In older dogs, kidney disease and diabetes can cause your pup to have bad breath, stinky urine, or sweaty paws. If other options have been eliminated, it might be time to look into the possibility of these more serious conditions causing your dog’s smell.

How to keep your dog smelling fresh

A brown dog sleeping in a dog bed on hardwood floor
Andrew Neel / Unsplash

While dogs are still animals and will always have a bit of smell that comes with them, here are some ways to keep your pup smelling better for longer. These are also great ways to increase your dog’s health and well-being!

Brush daily

Baths are not the only way to keep your dog clean. Brushing them regularly will help remove dead skin, dirt, hair, and other bits that might get stuck in their fur. A deep brush once a week will exfoliate their skin and keep it healthy! This is also a great way to help prevent skin conditions that could lead to infections.

Wash their bed

Humans, on average, change their sheets once a week. When was the last time the dog bed was washed? Washing your dog’s bed regularly will keep it and them smelling fresh and clean. Things like bacteria can live on their bed and cause stinky odors to stick to them.

Wipe their paws at the door

Those cute doormats say, “Wipe your paws!” and it’s a great idea to wipe your dog’s feet before they come into your home. Not only will it keep your floors clean, but it can also wash away any nasty smells your pup might have walked in while they were outside.

Offer a healthy diet

Take a look at your dog’s eating habits and maybe try a new food or eliminate human food treats. Check labels and dog food ingredients so that you’re certain they’re consuming nutritious, high-quality food. Some dogs have sensitive stomachs that can get gassy if given low-quality food or too many people snacks.

Brush their teeth

A routine of brushing your dog’s teeth will cut down on nasty dog breath, as well as prevent gum disease and tartar buildup. It’s a win-win.

Invest in quality shampoo

Not all shampoo is created equal. If you can, invest in a higher-quality shampoo for your pups bath time. High-end shampoos usually contain better conditioning ingredients to help prevent dry skin. The scent can also last longer, keeping your dog smelling fresh. Avoid overly perfumed soap. Dogs have very sensitive noses, and these intense scents can make them uncomfortable or irritate their sniffers.

Clean the ears

After bath time, take a few minutes to clean out your dog’s ears. Do not use a human Q-tip or any other long device to stick into your dog’s ear. It will be enough to use your finger and the towel to dry out and clean the area. If you are noticing excessively dirty ears, take them to a vet to have them professionally cleaned.

How to get smells out of dog fur?

Dog having a bath.
Masarik / Shutterstock

We’ve covered all the generic smells and how to treat day-to-day maintenance, but what happens when your dog rolls in something extra stinky? A full bath will probably work just fine for this instance, but you have alternative options as well. When you see that Fido has gotten something on only a small area, consider going in for a simple spot clean instead.

Dry shampoo will work really well to get out anything oily or messy and can help counteract certain smells. For skunks, use specialized shampoo designed for this occasion or mix hydrogen peroxide, baking soda, and dish soap. Depending on the circumstances, you may want to keep your pup pup outside and do the clean up there.

By nature, dogs are not the most pleasant smelling all of the time, but with some extra love and care you can keep your pup fresh for longer. At the same time, keep in mind that bad smells can be a sign of severe illness and should be checked by a vet.

Rebecca Wolken
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Rebecca's has written for Bob Villa and a Cincinnati based remodeling company. When she's not writing about home remodeling…
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