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Why do dogs roll in poop? This gross behavior, explained

Reasons dogs roll in poop and how to help them to stop

A blue pit bull rolling in grass
Valeria Boltneva / Pexels

Whether you grew up in a barn or not, you’ve likely heard the phrase, “Happy as a pig in mud.” For the unfamiliar, the euphemism describes someone in their element and living their best life. For example, a dog in a sun puddle or on a play date with their best furry friend (or you). However, you may find your dog is as happy as a pig in mud when they’re rolling in something even dirtier: Poop.

Why do dogs roll in poop? If your dog is a fan of this behavior, they may wonder if this question is rhetorical. For some dogs, rolling in poop is seen as natural and necessary. That doesn’t mean you have to allow the behavior, but understanding the reasons lets you give your dog some grace.  Here’s why dogs roll in poop and how to make them stop.

Why do dogs roll in poop?

A tan French bulldog rolling on grass
Karsten Winegeart / Unsplash

You thought the poop would stay outside after once your pup finished potty training. Yet, your pet has made a habit of rolling in poop. What gives? Probably one or more of these reasons.

Masking scent

You may know that cats are natural-born predators, and they often let you know they’d still like to be by chirping at birds. However, your sweet sofa wolf also comes from a long line of hunters. People believe that wild dogs roll in poop to cover up their scent, making prey less likely to know they’re coming. However, some studies show wild animals are more likely to roll in novelty scents, like car oil or perfume, instead of poop.

Smell preferences

Get a whiff of this one: Your dog may like the smell of poop. We know — this reason reeks (literally and figuratively). You may be extra puzzled when you consider a dog’s sense of smell is more powerful than a person’s. However, just like you and your best human friend may disagree on the best pizza toppings, you and your favorite furry animal may not see eye-to-eye (or nose-to-nose) on what qualifies as a “good smell.” Your dog may liken rolling in poop to putting on scented body wash, perfume, or cologne and may roll around in other rancid-smelling items for the same reason.

To help feed the pack

Dogs have their own language, and poop-rolling may play a role. As pack animals, dogs understand that sharing is caring. In the wild, they use smell to let their pack mates know where they’ve been after a successful hunt. These animals can go to the same place and — hopefully — achieve the same result: Finding something good to eat. Coming home smelling like poop from a specific spot is one way to help pack members survive.

Mark territory

Dogs may roll in poop for another reason related to communication: To send a message that a particular spot is theirs. Rolling around leaves behind a scent that isn’t merely poop but your dog’s unique smell. Other dogs will smell your pup and might decide to play, pee, or poop elsewhere because that pile of poop and pad of grass belongs to someone else.

How to get your dog to stop rolling in poop

shaggy dog rolling in poop
Keller Chewning / Unsplash

Getting your dog to stop rolling in poop can be challenging, given the behavior may be natural. However, you can nix the habit with patience, perseverance, and bribery.

  • Leash your dog. Keep your dog on a leash for park trips and walks. Avoid letting them out into the backyard until you’ve cleaned up any feces belonging to them, another pet, or wild or stray animals that make their way to your property.
  • Lean into “leave it.” This command is clutch for keeping a dog from eating toxic food — and rolling around in smelly things like poop. When teaching the command to your dog, reward good behavior with high-quality treats.
  • Learn your dog’s cues. Even dogs that learn “leave it” and that rolling in poop is a no-go may start giving into temptation from time to time. Learning the body language your dog uses before they go in for a poop roll can help you know when to redirect or move them gently away from the waste.
  • Get help. If nothing is working, speak with a trainer. They can assist with a customized approach. Your vet can help refer you to one.

While gross, rolling around in poop is a normal and natural dog behavior. They may take to the habit to mask their scent for hunting or communicate a food source, much like some researchers believe wild canines do. They may also wish to mark their territory. Finally, some dogs like the smell — strange but true. Rolling around in poop can bring unwanted smells and germs into your home, but you can likely train a dog to stop. Leash your dog on walks, and use positive reinforcement, like treats, when teaching them to “leave it.” Keep temptation to a minimum by inspecting and cleaning any applicable yards before letting your pup out, and learn your dog’s body language. If they appear ready to start rolling in smelly things, redirect them.

BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
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You shouldn't let them chew on sticks, but they might be able to carry them around anyway
A German shepherd fetching a stick in the snow

It's something of a running joke among humans across cultures and time: Dogs love to carry sticks in their mouths, even ones that are way too large. It seems that despite offering infinite treats and toys, they prefer the more natural playthings. You may have seen your buddy pick up a branch or two and proudly prance around with their prize. But why do dogs like sticks? Interestingly, there are a few motivations behind this inclination. Here's what you need to know about your pup's love of twigs.
Why do dogs like sticks?

Whether at the dog park, out for a walk, or in the backyard, your pooch will find sticks everywhere, as if they are drawn in like magic. And they might be! Truthfully, it really all comes down to their instincts that trace back to their wolfish ancestors. Here are a few reasons that dogs like sticks.
While we think of some dogs as elite hunters, they also have a strong drive to gather food, bedding, and other necessities. Your pet could fulfill this need by bringing home sticks or playing with them so they feel that they have checked this activity off of their list.
We know that chewing on Greenies is good for our dog's teeth, but what do they do when you're not around to provide dental treats? In the past, dogs had to rely on natural remedies to keep the pearly whites intact. Now you will especially find your puppies going for the sticks when teething. Adults also chew to strengthen their jaw muscles.
Dogs explore the world with their noses first and foremost. They enjoy interesting scents — you may notice your dog sniffing leaves, grass, and trees on walks. Sometimes, your animal might decide to bring a bit of the outdoors in and carry a stick into the house for the musky perfume it offers.
Some have suggested that dogs carry sticks because their predecessors frequently dragged around bones. There's some debate about this, but researchers point out that our beasties are actually omnivorous and have eaten plants for thousands of years as part of a varied diet.
Is it safe for dogs to chew on sticks?

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