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Video: Sleeping dog gets woken up and gets playful revenge

Why do dogs dig in the sand? It's a game for them

Pups enjoy their beauty sleep at least as much as humans. It’s one of the reasons people love taking videos of their animals napping — it’s cute and funny to watch them dream (and sometimes kick while at rest). But when that peaceful rest is disturbed, you might get a hilarious reaction from your beast. The phrase “let sleeping dogs lie” applies in this particular situation in which a young girl decides to wake a pup and gets her just desserts.


Little girl woke up this dog on the beach #happydog #petsoftiktok #doglife #dogloveofmylife #funnyvideoofpets #cuteanimalsoftiktok #puppylove #tiktokdogs #funnypets #funnyvideos? #screammovie

♬ Happy Laughing – Sound Effect

Why shouldn’t you disturb a dog sleeping peacefully? This popular video captioned “Little girl woke up this dog on the beach” shows how a happy pup enjoying a dog beach day would react if you woke him up. It starts with two dogs lying in the sand with a young kid gently nudging them with her feet. She continues to kick with no response from the buds, while the text says, “Wait for it.” Suddenly one pops up, shakes off, and proceeds to dig into the sand, covering her. She struggles away as the dog continues to spray sand all over her. In the end, we watch her crawl off with her dog friend continuing to search for something underground.

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The top comment by NY City summed it up nicely with “justice delivered ?” and pets_being_pets, who posted this video, certainly delivered too. Mo followed up with “good dog??” while ? Julie Ann ? chimed in “that was karma right there.” The original poster responded: That dog knew exactly what he was doing. Finally, Gino Lopresti praised the pooch’s revenge by reminding us, “Way better [than] biting.” It’s true we can support this particular form of comeuppance.

Dog digs into the sand on a beach
Maurylio Silva / Pexels

Why do dogs dig for fun?

Sometimes, dog digging is utilitarian, like when you bury something in the yard for Fido to find. However, many dogs seem to dig for enjoyment. There are a few reasons for it.

  • First, digging can be mentally and physically stimulating for them, especially in the dirt or another surface where they get similar traction, such as your rugs.
  • Additionally, dogs have scent glands in their feet and so digging can mark their territory — if you see them pawing their bed that’s probably why.
  • Lastly, while all digging dates back to their wolfy ancestors, some breeds, such as terriers, are particularly trained to do it. With no rodents to dig up in their daily life, they take those skills and use them on your carpet instead (much to your dismay).

So what lesson does this little video teach us about our pets? Best to leave pups alone while they are napping unless you want a taste of doggy revenge. And if you disturb a sleeping dog on the beach, you may wind up covered in sand.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
Why do dogs like sticks? (Plus, tips for playing with this toy safely)
You shouldn't let them chew on sticks, but they might be able to carry them around anyway
A German shepherd fetching a stick in the snow

It's something of a running joke among humans across cultures and time: Dogs love to carry sticks in their mouths, even ones that are way too large. It seems that despite offering infinite treats and toys, they prefer the more natural playthings. You may have seen your buddy pick up a branch or two and proudly prance around with their prize. But why do dogs like sticks? Interestingly, there are a few motivations behind this inclination. Here's what you need to know about your pup's love of twigs.
Why do dogs like sticks?

Whether at the dog park, out for a walk, or in the backyard, your pooch will find sticks everywhere, as if they are drawn in like magic. And they might be! Truthfully, it really all comes down to their instincts that trace back to their wolfish ancestors. Here are a few reasons that dogs like sticks.
While we think of some dogs as elite hunters, they also have a strong drive to gather food, bedding, and other necessities. Your pet could fulfill this need by bringing home sticks or playing with them so they feel that they have checked this activity off of their list.
We know that chewing on Greenies is good for our dog's teeth, but what do they do when you're not around to provide dental treats? In the past, dogs had to rely on natural remedies to keep the pearly whites intact. Now you will especially find your puppies going for the sticks when teething. Adults also chew to strengthen their jaw muscles.
Dogs explore the world with their noses first and foremost. They enjoy interesting scents — you may notice your dog sniffing leaves, grass, and trees on walks. Sometimes, your animal might decide to bring a bit of the outdoors in and carry a stick into the house for the musky perfume it offers.
Some have suggested that dogs carry sticks because their predecessors frequently dragged around bones. There's some debate about this, but researchers point out that our beasties are actually omnivorous and have eaten plants for thousands of years as part of a varied diet.
Is it safe for dogs to chew on sticks?

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Why do dogs howl? It’s not just to get your attention
These are the reasons behind this instinctual canine behavior
Brown and white dog howling on a porch

From massive Great Pyrenees to tiny Chihuahuas, all dogs share a common ancestor: the gray wolf. It's true! And even though most canines today look nothing like their ancestors, some instinctive traits — such as howling — remain. Even in Hollywood films, howling canines symbolize the untold horrors our on-screen heroes are about to face. In fact, the association between howling dogs and unfortunate circumstances dates back to Ancient Egypt.

Anubis — the Egyptian god of death, mummification, and the afterlife — is depicted as having the head of a dog. Ancient Egyptians believed that dogs howled to summon Anubis to collect a soul. Even in modern times, though, the sound of a howl in the dead of night can send shivers down your spine. But why do dogs howl?
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Why do dogs roll in poop? This gross behavior, explained
Reasons dogs roll in poop and how to help them to stop
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Whether you grew up in a barn or not, you've likely heard the phrase, "Happy as a pig in mud." For the unfamiliar, the euphemism describes someone in their element and living their best life. For example, a dog in a sun puddle or on a play date with their best furry friend (or you). However, you may find your dog is as happy as a pig in mud when they're rolling in something even dirtier: Poop.

Why do dogs roll in poop? If your dog is a fan of this behavior, they may wonder if this question is rhetorical. For some dogs, rolling in poop is seen as natural and necessary. That doesn't mean you have to allow the behavior, but understanding the reasons lets you give your dog some grace.  Here's why dogs roll in poop and how to make them stop.
Why do dogs roll in poop?

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