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How to treat a dog ear infection without a vet: Simple and effective solutions

Diagnosing, treating, and preventing ear infections in dogs

Person scratchese a dog's ear
Lesandu Alokabandara / Pexels

Most people have dealt with ear discomfort at some point in their lives, so it’s easy to empathize when a furry friend starts scratching at their ears. Sometimes, the problem is rather obvious, but other ear maladies require a bit more exploration. Whether it’s an annoying itch or a full-blown ear infection, you may be tempted to take your dog to the vet. Fortunately, many dog ear infections can be effectively treated at home, which saves you precious time and money. Not to mention, it’s way less stressful for your dog, too.

Here’s what to know about your dog’s ears and how to treat a dog ear infection without a vet.

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How common are dog ear infections?

A brown puppy scratching its ear
Ulf Sandström / Pexels

Ear infections are among the most common infections seen in dogs, and most pups will deal with one at some point during their lives. Some dogs will be prone to repeat infections because of their anatomy or environmental factors, so it’s a good idea to familiarize yourself with the symptoms of this annoying issue. This way, you can help your dog feel better even sooner than you thought.

Are some dogs more at risk of developing ear infections?

Any dog can develop an ear infection, and in fact, most will deal with an ear issue sometime during their life. This is because dogs have an L-shaped ear canal, which makes it easy for moisture, bacteria, and earwax to build up and become a problem.

However, some dogs deal with ear infections more frequently than others. One veterinary study revealed that five dog breeds most commonly suffer from ear issues:

  • Basset hounds
  • Shar-peis
  • Labradoodles
  • Beagles
  • Cocker spaniels and cockapoos

It’s also important to note that dogs with floppy ears may be more at risk for ear infections. This is because floppy ears can block off the opening of the ears, trapping even more moisture, yeast, and bacteria inside.

Symptoms of a dog ear infection

A person's hand scratches a Golden Retriever's ear
Ulf Sandström / Unsplash

Signs of a canine ear infection can be rather obvious, but here’s what to look out for:

  • Head shaking
  • An odor from the ear
  • Scratching or pawing at the ears
  • Signs of pain or discomfort, like crying and restlessness
  • Discharge from the ears
  • Waxy buildup on the external ear canal
  • Crust or scabs around the ears (these can be signs of scratching)
  • Red or swollen ear canals

You can almost be certain that your pup is suffering from an ear infection if they refuse to let you touch or handle their ears. Another clue can be if your dog has been swimming recently, as this is a common cause of moisture and bacteria becoming trapped in the ears.

Types of canine ear infections

As a dog owner, you don’t need to memorize the anatomy of the ear, but brushing up on the basics can help you stay in the know. This way, you’ll know exactly what your dog’s veterinarian is talking about.

Inside your dog’s L-shaped ear canal, there are three main areas of the ear. The external ear canal is the part you can see and touch (though it’s rather sensitive), while the middle ear is about an inch deep inside the ear canal. The inner ear rests all the way inside a dog’s temporal bone on the side of the face and is responsible for both hearing and balance.

Ear infections can happen in any of the three areas of the ear. Otitis externa (the medical term for an ear infection) affects the outer ear, while otitis media occurs in the middle ear. Infections in the inner ear are called otitis interna and are quite rare but very serious. Although middle and inner ear infections will require a visit to your dog’s veterinarian, you can potentially treat otitis externa at home.

What causes dog ear infections?

Dog getting his ear cleaned.
flywish / Shutterstock

Slightly different irritants and triggers cause infections in each part of the ear. Let’s break it down:

Causes of otitis externa, or outer ear infections that can be treated at home, include:

  • Allergies
  • Ear mites
  • Ear wax buildup
  • Lingering moisture
  • Bacteria or yeast overgrowth
  • Foreign bodies
  • Endocrine disorders
  • Trauma to the head
  • Polyps

Typically, middle ear infections are a result of an untreated outer ear issue, so don’t wait to contact your veterinarian if home remedies don’t seem to do the trick. Fortunately, inner ear infections are rare, but they can also be serious, so these require veterinary intervention.

How to treat dog ear infections without vet assistance

A large black and brown Dachshund dog stands with one ear sticking up
Erda Estremera / Unsplash

Treating otitis externa at home can be easier than you thought. In fact, you may already have these remedies in your kitchen cabinet.

If your dog’s ear appears inflamed, you can try using green tea to treat it. Green tea is beloved for its anti-inflammatory properties, and a warm compress can also feel good on a sore ear. First, steep a bag of green tea over steaming water, then let it cool to room temperature or slightly warmer. Gently swab it over your dog’s ear to help it soak in the tea’s healing properties.

Oil of oregano has powerful anti-bacterial properties, so it can also be used to ease otitis externa. Add a drop of this concentrated oil to a small bowl of water, then dip a cotton ball in the solution. Use the cotton ball as a healing swab, and repeat as needed.

Apple cider vinegar has many helpful properties that make it effective against ear infections. Create a 1:1 mixture of apple cider vinegar and distilled water, then dip a cotton ball in the solution to create a medicated swab. The vinegar’s antifungal, antibiotic, and itch-soothing properties can be an effective solution.

For dogs with recurrent ear infections, your veterinarian can give you a prescription medication to help treat your dog’s ear infections at home. Simply squeeze some of the medicine into your dog’s ear canal and massage it in.

Over-the-counter medications can also be helpful in fighting ear infections, though you’ll need to pinpoint (or estimate) the cause of the problem. If you suspect allergies are the culprit, you can try an antihistamine like Benadryl, while hydrocortisone can be effective against inflammation. Be sure to double-check your dog’s correct dosage before administering medication.

How to prevent dog ear infections

A cocker spaniel shaking their head by a pool
Liesbet Delvoye / Unsplash

Preventing canine ear infections can be even more effective than treating them, so remember to keep your pup’s ears dry and clean at all times. You’ll want to dry your dog’s ears off after swimming, bathing, or grooming, and be sure to keep any ear hair nice and short. Don’t shave it off, though — it’s there for a reason. If your dog visits a grooming salon, ask the groomer to clean your dog’s ears or get in the habit of cleaning them yourself. All you’ll need is a swab and an ear-cleaning solution to prevent painful and itchy problems.

Dog ear infections can be common, but they can also be treated easily at home. With just a little planning and preparation, any dedicated dog owner can help their pup’s ears stay clean and comfy for good.

Gabrielle LaFrank
Gabrielle LaFrank has written for sites such as Psych2Go, Elite Daily, and, currently, PawTracks. When she's not writing, you…
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