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Video: Playful dog is so excited to see dad, he won’t let him take his boots off

We can't get enough of this funny Golden who won't let dad remove his shoes after he walks in the door

The best feeling in the world is coming home to an excited pup who showers you with affection the second your cross the threshold. While some dogs grow out of this (or are trained to stop), just about all puppies leap with abandon every time you walk in. Golden’s, in particular, are known for their love of people and, while they have many good qualities, they’ll welcome just about anyone to the homestead with kisses. This cutie takes it to another level and literally won’t let his dad take off his shoes because he’s just so happy to see him in this funny golden retriever video.

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Meet George, a sweet Golden Retriever pooch who absolutely loves his family. The minute dad comes in, George is leaping, running between his legs, and sitting on his feet. Each time his human bends down to remove his shoes, the playful dog rolls over, asking for belly rubs. He zigzags, rolls, jumps up, and sits expectantly (even the cat pops its head in at one point) until dog dad finally proclaims “you’re nuts” before ushering George toward the camera. At the end, we get a close-up of his puppy face, pure joy.

The top commenter, u/postcovidagain, sums it up by saying “This is hilariously adorable! :)” with u/ErasGous following up, “It’s so cute! The wiggliest.” Other posters pointed out that, while the exchange might be a particularly good example, it’s pretty par for the course with this breed. “Golden retrievers are what I think your favorite childhood stuffed animal would act like if it came to life,” said u/RetMilRob . u/Proowgatts mentioned, “This is such a golden reaction! “I love you, I love you, I LOVE YOU! Now belly scratches please!” Getting a welcome home greeting from a golden is the best!” In true Reddit fashion, u/Problemwoodchuck proclaimed, “Gotta pay the belly rub tax to enter.” We thank u/ReliableRoommate for the laughs on this funny video of a dog.

Happy Golden lies down on the pavement to get pets
Laura Stanley / Pexels
While it’s admittedly cute behavior, as your furry friend grows up, you may need to train him to restrain himself just a bit. Your dog might intentionally get in your face to smell you and lick your face. Many canines say hi to each other this way, so it’s only natural that they try to do it to you too. There’s also another reason your pooch might be jumping: you could be encouraging this behavior, even by accident. If you amp up your energy and excitedly say hello back, of course he will do it again. Instead, ignore your dog completely when he jumps (or sits on your feet and tries to trip you), only giving him attention once he settles down. Experts recommend even walking back out the door if that helps your bud understand that he needs to settle.
It’s true, we can’t get enough of this cute Golden, but we’re also pretty sure his parents will eventually train him to stay calm when they walk in the door — at least until they can get their shoes removed.
Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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