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Can dogs eat strawberries? Everything you need to know

Yes, you can feed strawberries to Fido. Here's how

A brown and white dog eats a strawberry off a fork
Ewien van Bergeijk - Kwant / Unsplash

Sharing food with our dogs is one of the most fun parts of pet ownership. But animals can’t always eat the same stuff as humans (and we certainly don’t want to chew on their chow, either). It’s important to keep a restriction list in mind when you go to get your buddy a snack from the kitchen. Pups shouldn’t eat everything in our pantry, but can dogs eat strawberries? The answer is: Yes, they can and will enjoy them. We’ll walk you through how to feed strawberries to dogs and what other fruits they can gnaw on.

Are strawberries toxic for dogs?

No, not at all, and in fact, many dogs love strawberries. Like so many other fruits, strawberries have a lot of nutrients and tons of water, making them a good and reasonably low-calorie snack. However, the drawback is that they’re very sweet. That’s probably half the reason that Fido likes them!
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Because of their high sugar content, though, you should limit how many strawberries — or any berries — you give your pooch per day. The exact number you give depends on the size of your pup pup, with the littlest breeds only needing one per day. A large beastie can have as many as four, and you should scale up or down for all sizes in between.

How should I prepare strawberries for my dog?

Before passing this treat to your animal, make sure to remove the green bits, though a tiny bit of leftover leaf won’t hurt. The biggest issue with this fruit is the size — strawberries are a choking hazard. If you have a little guy that takes big bites, you’ll want to chop these up small first before doling them out. Lastly, remember that we’re talking about fresh strawberries, not canned or jammed or anything like that.

What fruits are not good for dogs?

You should certainly make your buddy avoid all the fruits you don’t eat either like red berries he might find growing in the wild. However, the biggest fruits your dog can never eat are grapes and raisins. Science hasn’t quite figured out why, but these delectables don’t do well for our hounds, and even just one grape can turn deadly. Lastly, stay away from the following just to be safe: green tomatoes, cherries, limes, lemons, and avocado (technically a fruit and bad for dogs in large quantities).
Every dog wants what is on their human’s plate, no matter it is. While some foods have to stay on the no list, such as garlic, chocolate, and spices, plenty of fruits and vegetables make a great addition to your pup’s diet. When it comes to strawberries, a little goes a long way. Because they’re sweet, you should feed in moderation, but your buddy will love them even in small quantities.
Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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