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Can dogs eat pears? What you need to know

Here's the truth and what to do if your dog eats pears

Bernese mountain dog with a par in his mouth
The Len / Shutterstock

“Eat your fruits and veggies” is standard advice from doctors, dietitians, and parents — you may have been on the receiving end of this (sound) recommendation for your overall health. However, dog-specific food is generally limited to “dry” and “wet.” That doesn’t mean a taste of a favorite human food here and there is off the table. Still, you’ll want to know which ones (blueberries and apples) are safe and which (chocolate, grapes, and onions) are off the table.

If you find pears peachy, you may wonder if you can share. Can dogs eat pears? What happens if the little rascal eats a piece of pear you dropped on the floor faster than you can say, “Leave it?” Good news: You don’t have to panic. Here’s what to know about pears and dogs.

Can dogs eat pears?

Golden retriever with a plate of pears
Chendongshan / Shutterstock

Generally, pears are safe for dogs to consume in moderation. Pears may offer some health benefits, too. As a nutrient-dense fruit, pears are excellent sources of fiber, vitamin C, and vitamin A, which can improve digestive, skin, and bone health. Importantly, your dog’s regular food has everything they need to survive and thrive.

Therefore, consider pears an occasional treat. Generally, dog food should comprise at least 90% of your pet’s daily calories, with treats making up the rest. (Dogs with health concerns like obesity and diabetes may have different instructions, so consult your pup’s vet first.)

Also, what qualifies as “moderation” varies by the size of your dog. For toy breeds, a tiny slice of pear may be the maximum. Large dogs may be able to tolerate more without any issues like weight gain or stomach aches.

Are pears unsafe for dogs? How to serve your dog pears

Woman feeding her a dog a piece of a pear
Rasulov / Shutterstock

Pears are safe for most dogs, but serving size and other factors are essential to ensuring that remains the case.

  • Cut into bite-sized pieces. Large slices or full pears can be a choking hazard.
  • Don’t feed pear seeds. Dogs can’t avoid the pear seeds like humans can and may devour a pear whole. Seeds can be choking hazards and have traces of the toxin cyanide, which can be harmful to pets if consumed in large quantities (and there’s no consensus on what “large quantities” means).
  • Avoid canned pears. They contain unnecessary sugar, which adds calories to a dog’s diet. Stick to whole fruit (sliced).
  • Talk to your pet’s vet. Consulting the vet before feeding your dog something other than food designed for them is never a bad idea, whether your pet has an underlying condition or weight issues or not. Your vet knows your pet’s personal history and is there to answer these questions to help you keep your furry friend healthy.
  • Monitor for side effects. Dogs that don’t take to pears may experience GI discomfort, including vomiting or diarrhea. If your dog shows these signs after consuming pears, they may not be the best fit for your pet. Call the vet if symptoms persist.
BethAnn Mayer
Beth Ann's work has appeared on and In her spare time, you can find her running (either marathons…
Can dogs eat cantaloupe? What you need to know
You can share a small bit of melon with your pup now and then
Boy feeding dog melon

There's a long and complicated list of safe human foods for dogs. Carrots? Yes! Grapes? No! Can dogs eat cantaloupe? You'll be happy to learn that this melon works just fine for beasties, in small quantities, that is.

Like all treats, you'll need to keep the snack as an occasional extra. It's always important to ensure your pet gets all the major nutrients from their staples, like kibble. But if you want to know more about feeding your doggie cantaloupe, read on for the details.
Is cantaloupe good for dogs?

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Why do dogs like sticks? (Plus, tips for playing with this toy safely)
You shouldn't let them chew on sticks, but they might be able to carry them around anyway
A German shepherd fetching a stick in the snow

It's something of a running joke among humans across cultures and time: Dogs love to carry sticks in their mouths, even ones that are way too large. It seems that despite offering infinite treats and toys, they prefer the more natural playthings. You may have seen your buddy pick up a branch or two and proudly prance around with their prize. But why do dogs like sticks? Interestingly, there are a few motivations behind this inclination. Here's what you need to know about your pup's love of twigs.
Why do dogs like sticks?

Whether at the dog park, out for a walk, or in the backyard, your pooch will find sticks everywhere, as if they are drawn in like magic. And they might be! Truthfully, it really all comes down to their instincts that trace back to their wolfish ancestors. Here are a few reasons that dogs like sticks.
While we think of some dogs as elite hunters, they also have a strong drive to gather food, bedding, and other necessities. Your pet could fulfill this need by bringing home sticks or playing with them so they feel that they have checked this activity off of their list.
We know that chewing on Greenies is good for our dog's teeth, but what do they do when you're not around to provide dental treats? In the past, dogs had to rely on natural remedies to keep the pearly whites intact. Now you will especially find your puppies going for the sticks when teething. Adults also chew to strengthen their jaw muscles.
Dogs explore the world with their noses first and foremost. They enjoy interesting scents — you may notice your dog sniffing leaves, grass, and trees on walks. Sometimes, your animal might decide to bring a bit of the outdoors in and carry a stick into the house for the musky perfume it offers.
Some have suggested that dogs carry sticks because their predecessors frequently dragged around bones. There's some debate about this, but researchers point out that our beasties are actually omnivorous and have eaten plants for thousands of years as part of a varied diet.
Is it safe for dogs to chew on sticks?

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A close-up of a gray dog with a wrinkly nose sleeping on the floor

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