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Can dogs eat cucumbers? The facts revealed

Your pup may love this watery treat

Beagle dog asks for cucumber in the kitchen
Viktoriia Bu / Shutterstock

Some snacks are only for humans, but others, your pets can enjoy, too. Vegetables, in particular, often make a great treat for dogs because they’re generally low in sugar and calories. Some veggies have so much water that they won’t pack the pounds on your pup at all. Still, you don’t ever want to replace their meals with too many treats of any kind, even green ones. So, can dogs eat cucumbers? We’ll walk you through whether to offer this snack to your beastie and how to prepare it.

Are cucumbers safe for dogs?

Funny dachshund dog lies covered with pile of fresh ripe tomatoes and cucumbers, top
Masarik / Shutterstock

As long as you don’t overdo it, yup, you can give your pupper cukes. As we said at the top, this vegetable fruit consists of about 96% water, so your four-legged friend is mostly just drinking while they munch on it. However, don’t take that as a sign that they can devour a whole bowl of them. Too many will hurt their tummy and can cause digestive issues, like vomiting and diarrhea. One last thing: Check with your vet before providing Fido with this treat. Among other things, cucumbers can interact with a few medications.

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Are cucumbers good for dogs?

A Cavalier King Charles spaniel begs for food at the table.
Fotyma / Shutterstock

Too much of a good thing is never good, but a small amount of cucumber can contribute to an excellent diet for your dog.

They’re low in calories

When you check the calorie count on the average dog treat, you might be in for a bit of a surprise. That’s why some pet parents sneak in a few veggie bites. Remember, treats shouldn’t consist of more than 10% of your pup’s daily food intake, not even watery ones. But it works as a great supplemental snack or alternative to other high-fat nibbles.

Cucumbers are also packed with vitamins

It’s not just what cucumbers lack (sugar and calories) that makes them a healthy choice. These little greens are packed with vitamins, like K and C. Of course, your animal should get everything they need from their kibble, which is specially formulated to keep them chock full of all the necessary nutrients.

How should you feed cucumbers to your dog?

A man hands a bowl of kibble to a yellow labrador retriever with their tongue out
Jaromír Chalabala / Alamy

Most importantly, you should wash these and chop them up. Some dogs might be able to handle gnawing at one without choking, but it’s best to keep pieces small and seedless (the seeds aren’t bad but could lead to those stomach problems we mentioned earlier). Last important thing: Don’t give your fur baby any pickles as they have garlic and lots of salt that will not be good for your pet.

Luckily for everyone, dogs can eat cucumbers and will love this healthy and juicy snack. Keep them in bite-sized pieces and save them for an occasional treat rather than a daily one. As long as you stick to those easy rules, you can share this food with your four-legger!

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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