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Can cats get urinary tract infections? What every cat parent should know

What to know about prevention and treatment of UTIs in cats

Striped cat sitting a litter box
Sharaf Maksumov / Shutterstock

Urinary tract infections, or UTIs, are a common and pesky condition in humans. A UTI is an infection of a part of the urinary system, like the bladder, kidneys, or urethra, that can involve painful burning sensations when urinating. They affect about 10 out of 25 women and 3 out of 25 men at least once in their lives, according to the Urology Care Foundation.

Pet parents may wonder if their furry friends can get these types of infections, too. Unfortunately, they can. Cats of both sexes can develop UTIs, but the good news is that cat health experts don’t commonly see the issue when treating felines. However, it’s still good to think about the urinary tract when approaching your cat’s health.

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How common are urinary tract infections in cats?

A ginger kitten in a litterbox
Tiplyashina Evgeniya / Shutterstock

Urinary tract problems are common cat health issues, but infections are rarely one of them. Still, it is possible for your cat to get a UTI in a number of situations.

In cats, UTIs are one of the various diseases referred to as feline lower urinary tract diseases (FLUTD). The condition is an umbrella term to describe conditions affecting the bladder and urethra in cats. Other diseases include urinary stones and urethral obstruction.

What causes UTIs in cats? Typically, kitties develop UTIs when bacteria get into the urethra and move further to the bladder. In the bladder, where urine is supposed to remain sterile, the bacteria grow and multiply, triggering a UTI. This can also cause bladder stones with or without the presence of an infection.

Some cats are more likely to develop UTIs

A cat shakes its paw in the litterbox
Africa Studio / Shutterstock

Women know just how common (and annoying) UTIs can be, and it turns out that female cats can relate. Girl kitties are much more likely to develop a UTI due to the wider shape of their urethras. With more space for bacteria to enter the urethra and travel further into the urinary system, it’s easier for problems to occur. VCA Animal Hospitals reports that older female cats are the most common demographic to visit the vet for UTIs, though it’s unclear why age may play a role.

Medical conditions can also make a cat more likely to develop UTIs, including:

  • Kidney disease
  • Diabetes
  • Hyperthyroidism
  • Bladder cancer
  • Bladder stones
  • Immunosuppression (this can also be a side effect of certain medications)

Overweight cats are also more likely to develop UTIs due to difficulty grooming and increased moisture and bacteria in skin folds. Kitties who are working on their weight may need an extra hand with grooming to keep everything nice and clean.

What are the common symptoms of UTIs in cats?

Cat looking like they are in pain
Lucas / Adobe Stock

A telltale sign that something is up with your cat is if they start peeing outside the litter box. This symptom may not signal a UTI (stress, life changes, and other conditions can also cause the cat to stop using their box), but it should prompt a call to the vet.

It’s also probably stressful for you as a cat parent, which is understandable. You love your feline and likely don’t want to have to clean urine off your furniture or walls. For the sake of your cat’s health and your relationship, get the vet on the line to schedule a checkup.

Other signs your cat may have a UTI include:

  • Reduced urination
  • Signs that it’s painful for your cat to pee, such as crying, whining, or straining
  • Blood in urine
  • More frequent trips to the litter box to try to urinate
  • Increased licking around the anus or genital area

How are UTIs in cats diagnosed and treated?

A tabby cat grooming themself
PurpleOwl / Pixabay

The symptoms of various FLUTDs are similar, so you’ll want to call your vet if you suspect your furry companion may have a UTI to allow them to rule everything else out and make a proper diagnosis. To diagnose a UTI, a veterinarian will conduct a urinalysis, or urine test, on a feline’s pee. The vet will look for several issues, including UTI, elevated glucose (a sign of diabetes), and protein, to rule out multiple conditions.

The veterinarian will send the sample to the lab unless they have the necessary materials to analyze the urine on-site and call you with the results. Luckily, UTIs in cats are treatable with antibiotics. Only a vet can prescribe the appropriate antibiotic and dosing for your cat.

How can I prevent a UTI in my cat?

Tabby cat stares at her kibble in a bowl
Nataliia Dvukhimenna / Shutterstock

No one wants to see their kitty in pain. If you’ve ever had a UTI, you know they’re no fun. Of course, you want to protect your cat from one. Is there a definitive best food for cat urinary health? What are the other steps you can take? Here’s what to know.

Your cat’s diet is important

The best cat food for urinary health is actually a regular AAFCO-approved option. Why? Because prevention is the best medicine. Feeding your cat appropriately portioned, nutritious food can keep them healthy and lower the risk of developing conditions like diabetes, which increases their UTI risk. However, your vet can prescribe specialized food if your four-legged friend has a urinary disease. Consider your pet’s doctor your top resource to find the best food for cat urinary health for your specific animal.

Keep your kitty hydrated

In premenopausal women, drinking water frequently can reduce the risk of a UTI, according to research. Though this tip hasn’t been proven to lower a cat’s chances of developing a UTI, the American Veterinary Medicine Association (AVMA) still recommends it as a way to prevent FLUTD.

Follow litter box best practices

Have multiple litter boxes (and at least one per cat) around the house, and be sure to clean litter boxes once per day to minimize the chances bacteria enter your cat’s body. Swap out litter at least once per week or as needed.

UTIs are an uncommon cat health condition, but felines can develop them. They’re a result of bacteria getting into the bladder through the urethra. Vets can diagnose UTIs in cats through a urinalysis. Age and underlying conditions like diabetes put your kitty at an increased risk for a UTI. Urinary tract infections in cats are treatable with an antibiotic. A vet can prescribe it and give you directions on dosing. One of the most common UTI symptoms is urinating outside of the litter box. However, this red flag could be the sign of several issues, so your best bet is to call the veterinarian.

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