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5 telltale signs your cat loves you (for real)

You love your cat and view him as a member of your family, but does he feel the same way? Knowing how to tell if your cat loves you can be tricky, since cats don’t communicate love and affection in the same way that humans do. Your cat might appear standoffish and unaffectionate, but chances are he may be showing his love in his own special ways. Learning to recognize those signs can help you to better communicate with and appreciate your cat. If you want to better understand how your cat feels about you, a good place to start would be to recognize the following signs that your cat loves you.

A content cat closing its eyes while a person pats its head
Gracheva Anastasiya / Shutterstock


If your cat grooms you, chances are he’s accepted you enough to literally try to care for you. Grooming can be a sign of affection, so whether your cat licks your skin or tries to groom your hair, take it as a compliment.

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Bringing you presents

That mouse you find on your doorstep—or worse, in your house—might not seem like the most thoughtful gift, but it could be your cat’s way of showing that he appreciates and loves you. A cat who brings you the prey he’s caught may be doing so because he cares for you or is trying to teach you to hunt.


Cats purr for a variety of reasons, but often, purring is a sign of contentment and is your cat’s way of saying, “Don’t stop what you’re doing.” Your cat might purr when you pat him or when he’s sitting in your lap while you read or watch TV. While purring can also indicate stress, watching your cat’s body language can help you understand if he’s purring out of happiness. Look for signs like relaxed eyes and ears, a quiet or somewhat inactive tail, and actions like leaning into you for a pet to verify that your cat’s purr is a happy purr.

Rubbing against you

According to VetStreet, cats have scent glands on their heads, including under the chin, around the mouth, and on the sides of the face. When your cat rubs his head against you or walks back and forth against and between your legs, he’s leaving his scent behind. Since cats use scent to mark the objects and areas that are “theirs,” your cat is marking you as his territory when he rubs against you. If your cat purrs when he rubs against you, it may indicate that he’s happy and enjoying marking you as his own, too.

Grey and white cat sitting behind a wooden heart ornament
Image used with permission by copyright holder

Spending time with you

If your cat seeks you out and makes an effort to spend time with you, chances are he’s showing you he really likes you. Cats tend to be solitary by nature, and many cats are perfectly happy to keep to themselves. A cat who follows you from room to room, settles down in a chair near where you’re sitting, or even climbs into your lap and curls up for a nap is showing that he enjoys having you around and is willing to make a little extra effort to be close to you.

How to bond more with your cat

You can also work to bond with your cat so he feels more affectionate toward you. Feeding your cat, petting him, and playing with him are all good ways to show him that you love him.

While spending time with your cat is important, it’s also essential that you learn to respect your cat’s personal boundaries. Your cat may not always feel like being petted, which is fine. Watching his body language, giving him attention when he wants it, and leaving him alone when he wants to be on his own are all good ways to demonstrate your love and respect for your cat.

Understanding what your cat is feeling and trying to communicate often means that you’ll need to watch your cat closely. The more you understand about your cat’s body language, the better you’ll be able to understand how he’s feeling. While it might be tempting to spend as much time as possible with your new cat to bond closely with him, that could be stressful and upsetting for your cat. Instead, watch your cat for signs that he wants to spend time with you, and also give him his alone time when he wants it. The more you respect your cat, the more comfortable he’ll feel around you—and with a little time, the more he’ll appreciate you, too.

Paige Cerulli
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Paige's work has appeared in American Veterinarian, Business Insider, Healthline, and more. When she's not writing, Paige…
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Side view of a cat sticking out its tongue

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Why do cats stick out their tongues? Here are a few reasons

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Your cat is exploring the world with their tongue
One of the most common reasons for an exposed tongue is rather simple: your cat is literally exploring their surroundings. When your cat leaves their mouth open and tongue out, they're collecting pheromones on their tongue -- this is called the Flehmen response. Those pheromones give your cat important information about other cats around, including whether they're in heat, via electrical signals from body to brain. Who knew something so cute could be so helpful, too?
Your cat may show their tongue if they're missing teeth
Sometimes, cats let their tongue hang out a little because they're missing their canine or front teeth. These teeth help keep the tongue within the mouth, so if your cat is missing one or two of these teeth, it's more likely that their tongue will slip out from time to time. No worries!
Your cat is trying to please you with a behavior they think you like
You might even be reinforcing your cat to stick their tongue out without knowing! If you laugh at your cat, give them attention, or give them a treat when they do this behavior, they may quickly learn that sticking out their tongue gets a positive response. You might start to see your cat do this repeatedly, mainly to get a positive reaction from you. Whether that's 'good' or not is up to you to decide.
Your cat may let their tongue fall out of their mouth when they're relaxed
Sometimes, when cats are relaxed, their tongues naturally slip out. This happens because your cat's jaw loosens up as they relax, so their mouth opens up just enough to let the tongue through.

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