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Get rid of your clumping litter — this is the best litter for kittens

Whether you’ve just brought home a new kitten or are helping a mama cat care for her litter of kittens, it’s important to create a safe environment for them. A litter box is an essential part of that environment, but you can’t choose just any litter off the shelf. Certain types of cat litters carry hidden dangers for kittens, and some cat litters are better for kittens than others. Before you go shopping for cat litter, you should understand what to avoid and what features make a litter the right choice for your kittens so you can make a well-informed, safe choice.

What to look for in the best litter for kittens

When choosing the right litter for kittens, safety needs to be the top priority. While clumping litters are convenient, they can actually put your kitten’s health at risk. Clumping litters include substances like silica and bentonite clay that expand to absorb liquids, making those big clumps that are easy to scoop out. Because kittens tend to explore and eat things that they really shouldn’t, if a kitten ingests clumping litter, those substances could expand in her stomach. The result could be intestinal blockages and other serious health issues, so it’s best to avoid using clumping litter with kittens who are less than four months old.

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As a side note, clumping litter poses the same health risks for dogs who might think of the cat’s litter box as a snack tray. Dogs who eat waste clumps will ingest litter with the clumps, and if they eat enough litter, it could swell and expand, leading to serious health issues.

Even if a litter doesn’t contain clumping substances, it could still cause issues if a frisky, inquisitive kitten eats some of it. For that reason, look for litters that form larger pieces that aren’t easily swallowed. Options like nonclumping clay litters (see below) can be safer choices for kittens.

You’ll also want to look for a litter that’s free of strong scents and dust. Both of these elements can be potential allergens, and kittens have highly sensitive respiratory systems. Minimizing dust and fragrances will give your kittens the best shot at a happy, healthy life.

Tiger kitten laying on a blanket, looking upward

Top cat litter options for kittens

If you’re looking for a great litter for kittens, these are excellent options.

CatSpot Litter

CatSpot Litter is made of coconut. It’s all-natural and biodegradable, so you’ll be doing your part to help the environment. This hypoallergenic cat litter contains no chemicals or dust, and it helps eliminate odors. It’s also highly absorbent, and it’s made in the U.S. You can empty this litter (solids removed first) into your flowerbeds or compost bin, so there aren’t heavy bags to tote off to the dump, and you’ll be keeping garbage out of landfills.

Tidy Cats Non-Clumping Cat Litter

If you want to use a clay litter, then a nonclumping option like Tidy Cats Non-Clumping Cat Litter is ideal. This litter is designed for multi-cat households, helping to prevent stinky odors that can quickly accumulate when you have several kittens. The low-tracking formula means less dust on your kittens’ paws, and there’s less dust to irritate their respiratory systems. The litter doesn’t contain any strong scents, so it’s a top pick for use with younger kittens.

Feline Pine Non-Clumping Cat Litter

The Feline Pine Non-Clumping Cat Litter tackles odors naturally, so the litter box still smells fresh without exposing your kitten to synthetic perfumes and harsh chemicals. The pine fibers quickly absorb liquid, locking away ammonia odors. The litter contains no clay, so there’s no clay dust to worry about.

Five kittens sitting in a basket

Tips for switching cat litters

Any time you need to make a change to your kitten’s litter, it’s important to do it gradually. Suddenly changing the type of litter you’re using can confuse your kitten, and he might reject the new litter.

Instead, gradually add in some new litter, and add a little more each day. At the same time, don’t replenish the old litter, so little by little, the box will consist of more new litter than old. Taking this approach can help keep the box smelling and feeling familiar to your kitten, giving him time to get used to the new litter instead of becoming afraid or confused.

Choosing the right cat litter for your kitten may seem simple, but it’s actually an important step in keeping him healthy. A quality litter that’s nonclumping and free of dust and fragrances is best for kittens under four months of age. As your kitten grows up, you can consider introducing a clumping litter if you’d like. Until then, it’s best to stick with one of the kitten-safe litters suggested above. They offer you plenty of choices while ensuring that you’re using a product that prioritizes your kitten’s health.

Paige Cerulli
Former Digital Trends Contributor
Paige's work has appeared in American Veterinarian, Business Insider, Healthline, and more. When she's not writing, Paige…
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Use disposable liners
One of the best hacks to simplify cleaning a litter box is to use disposable litter box liners. These liners prevent the litter from coming into contact with and sticking to the box, and when you buy liners with drawstrings, you can lift the whole liner, including the litter, up and out of the box. There's no scrubbing needed unless your cat scratched through a liner, so cleaning the box is faster and easier.

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When do kittens start eating food? Know the facts for your fur baby’s health
Consider this your guide to weaning kittens from milk or formula to solids
a white kitten with blue eyes in a cat tree

By the time you usually bring home a brand-new kitten at eight to nine weeks old, they’ve already gone through a significant transition: being weaned from milk to solid foods. However, you may find yourself in the trenches of new kitten parenthood at an even earlier stage. If you are fostering a kitten or have found a newborn, you have likely been bottle-feeding them milk or watching their mother nurse.
In these cases, you may wonder, “When do kittens start eating food?” Weaning is usually a natural process, particularly if the Mom is involved. If you’re bottle-feeding, the process may be a bit trickier, and you may have to help lead it. Regardless of your situation, understanding what to expect can help you know when to have kibble and water on hand as a kitten gets ready to wean. Consider this your guide.

When do kittens start eating food and drinking water?
The weaning process involves going from the mother’s milk to kibble and water, which is what a kitten will eat and drink in some form for the rest of their life. If the mother cat is around, she’ll know when the time is right to start weaning, and it’s best not to interfere.
Generally, kittens will start to be ready to take small tastes of solid foods and water at around three to four weeks. The food and water are complimentary at this young age, so don’t worry too much if they play with it more than they eat it. They’re still getting most of their nutrition from Mom or a formula in a bottle.

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