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7 big cat breeds that make great pets

Big cats are almost a totally different animal and will change your pet-owning experience

Ragdoll cat lying on a table
Kadisha / Pixabay

Everyone knows about dog breeds, but some first-time cat owners might not realize that felines have unique breeds, too. Many of the cats you’ve seen are probably domestic shorthair, by far the most common variety. However, every now and then, you might stumble on a cat that looks extra large and wonder what’s different about him. Tt turns out, they could be an entirely unique kind of cat.

While big cats can require some specialized care, they also come along with outsized personalities to match. If you’re looking for more cat to love, try out one of these big cat breeds.

What are the most popular large cat breeds?

Maine Coon cat lying on bed
Sergei Wing / Unsplash

When you first spot a big cat, you’ll be surprised by their extra size. Some of these breeds can weigh in at more than twice what you would expect from the average mouser — the savannah frequently clocks in at 25 pounds. That means you may need to buy extra-sturdy cat trees, adjust their food intake, and have big beds available. Even though they share the extra-large factor, these cats have a lot that sets them apart from each other, too. Here are the breeds you should look into when you want a big cat.


You’ll instantly know why these cats deserve the moniker — they look like tiny tigers. Luckily, that’s where the similarities end, as you won’t find a nicer kitty. For this fur baby, you need to provide plenty of exercise and stimulation, as they don’t stay content lounging about for too long.

Maine coon

Though they were likely named after a captain who preferred the breed, fans often remark that this one looks something like a raccoon because of their bushy tails. This breed requires lots of grooming, so add a brush to your shopping list before bringing one home. In terms of personality, there’s never been a more family-oriented cat.

Selkirk rex

Cuddly and cute, the Selkirk rex loves attention that matches their appearance, which is frequently compared to a stuffed animal. This breed has curly and very soft fur, perfect for petting. One last special thing about this feline: They get along great with dogs, so they are perfect for a mixed-pet household.


Actually a crossbreed between a domestic cat and a serval, the savannah isn’t a great cat for beginners. They still have enough of a hunting instinct that you need to ensure they get along with other cats or children in the home and might be better suited to living alone with their human. However, if you find the right fit, you’ll love this beautiful and intriguing beastie.

Turkish van

One of the rarer breeds on this list, Turkish vans are hard to come by in the U.S. What sets them apart is their white body mixed with a darker head and tail. Unlike nearly all other kitties, these felines love to swim and are known for being extremely athletic and strongly built.


Ragdolls have a very peculiar quirk in that they love to be carried and will frequently hang off of their humans. You also get to choose from a wide variety of colors when you select this cat to be your companion. In addition to their attractive coats, you’ll enjoy their gregarious personalities.


The last type on our list dates back 1,000 years to Russian breeders who owned this cat. Because of that climate, they have a triple coat that requires special care. Best of all, though, these furry friends are some of the smartest cats out there and can learn tricks and commands if you teach them.

Closing thoughts

A close-up shot of a gray Maine Coon cat with bright green eyes
smgphotographyart / Pixabay

Some large cat breeds won’t be well suited to every household, especially smaller apartments and those with big families. Before you bring home one of these special buddies, research both the variety and the breeder carefully. You’re a lot less likely to find a purebred big cat at the shelter, so you might need to search for specialized rescues or work directly with a reputable breeding organization.

Lots of big cats come with papers verifying their ancestry and you can ask about that early in the process if it matters to you. Remember, too, that you’ll want to work with a vet who understands the unique needs of big cats, including diet and medical. Lastly, if you ever have trouble finding stuff to fit, check out the dog aisle of the pet store. Once you bring home a Maine coon or a Siberian, we doubt you’ll ever be able to return to regular cat ownership.

Rebekkah Adams
Rebekkah’s been a writer and editor for more than 10 years, both in print and digital. In addition to writing about pets…
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Cat lovers unite around their collective adoration of felines, but they're also divided along a few issues. One that often pops up is hairless cats. These slinky pets bring with them a few extra health challenges, and contrary to popular opinion, they don't suit allergic families! Hairless cats will make you sneeze just as much as others since the allergens don't actually come from the fur itself.

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The lack of hair actually comes from a genetic mutation and isn't necessarily indicative of one specific breed. Hairless cat breeds include the Sphynx, Bambino, and the Peterbald. Because of their lack of hair, they require some special care, which adds to the costs that you incur when you buy one from a breeder.

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Why do cats’ eyes dilate? What your pet’s extra big peepers mean
Your cat might have big eyes because of darkness, excitement, or surprise
A cat snuggling on a person's chest

Sometimes you come home to a dark house, and through the pitch black of your living room, you spy two big round orbs. While it might look Halloweeny at first glance, this is actually just how your cat sees things. Cat's eyes seem to glow at night because they reflect light, a lot more than ours do in any case. Just as with other animals, you will see a kitty's eyes dilate, but what is your cat's pupils meaning? We'll walk through what your pet's eyes tell you about their feelings and physical state and when you need to step in and get your cat to a vet.
What does it mean when cats' pupils get big?

Big eyes on your cat could mean a few different things, some physical and some emotional. Rarely, you may find that your cat has a larger issue since occasionally dilated pupils can be medical in nature (we'll go into this more later). Fortunately, it generally doesn't have to do with any underlying condition and instead has everything to do with the current situation. Here are some reasons your cat might have extra large peepers.
They're hunting
Cats love to hunt and frequently do so at dawn and dusk — both inside your home and out of it. Your pet might not literally be hunting for prey, but they could still enjoy stalking their toys or food. When they're in hunting mode, you may see extra big eyeballs staring at the object of their interest.
It's dark outside
When you spend time in a dark room or outside at night, you'll almost certainly notice your own pupils get bigger. That's because our eyes open up to let in more light and allow us to see better. It's the same with your cat but theirs tend to stand out a bit more in part because of the prior mentioned reflectivity.
Something surprised them
If you've ever heard of eyes widening with surprise, this is what we're talking about. From a physical perspective, your globes are attempting to take in everything as quickly as possible, because this surprise could mean a bad thing. A wild cat could get startled by a predator for example and need that info to find a way to safety.
They feel anxious
You may discover that your cat has eyes that seem to dilate under certain conditions or more frequently than usual. It might mean they're experiencing some anxiety and want to destress. Ensure there is somewhere in your house where they feel secure and that the day-to-day routine suits their needs.
They're aggressive
Sometimes you might see your cat's eyes turn to slits before they get into a fight with another cat because narrowing the opening can help them protect their sensitive ocular region. On the other hand, having wide-open eyes gives your feline more information about their opponent. Pay attention to other signs of aggression, which will help you determine if this is causing the widening.
When do dilated pupils indicate a medical issue?

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