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Calico cat lying on a white comforter

Why your cat sleeping at your feet is a big compliment

Why do cats sleep at your feet? There are many reasons behind this sweet behavior, so you'll have to keep an eye on your cat to figure out why.
A closeup shot of a one-eyed orange tabby cat.

How to take care of a blind cat: The tips and tricks to know

Two kittens playing on a tile floor

Is your cat a boy or girl? Here’s how to tell

Cat playing with toy mouse

Do cats really eat mice? Let’s explore the truth

Two people holding up a dog and a cat

Are cats cleaner than dogs, really?

A black pug wearing glasses

Are dogs smarter than cats? We dig into the research

Orange and white kitten playing with a feather toy

Are you ready for a kitten? The must-read guide to kitten care before you adopt

Large silver tabby looking at camera

Should cats eat yogurt? Read this first before feeding your kitty this snack

A striped gray tabby kitten lying on its back.

How to tell if your cat has fleas (and tips to get rid of them)

Woman kissing her cat

Do cats understand kisses? What science says

Side view of a cat sticking out its tongue

Why do cats stick out their tongues? Surprising reasons explained

A Cornish Rex lies on a bed

Meet the cats with curly fur: These breeds will surprise you

A black and white cat sprawls out beside a blue litter box with a pile of litter on the floor

Why is my cat peeing everywhere? Find out the reason and how to fix it

There are reasons why your cat might be peeing everywhere. Take a look at the possibilities and find out what you can do about it.
Adult, cat teaches a kitten to use the litter box

Will cats share a litter box? How to make sure your pets live in harmony

Navigating the litter situation will take some adjustment from everyone, but your cats will figure out what works best for them.
Cat on hind legs with gray and white fur

Are cats carnivores? Here’s what their diet says about them

Are cats carnivores? Let's settle the beef on this common debate, plus discuss top tips for feeding your cat a diet that helps them thrive.
Cat licking lips after eating

Can cats eat turkey bacon? What you need to know

Can cats eat turkey bacon? While turkey bacon isn't toxic, the popular food isn't the most nutritious for felines.
A one-eyed cat sleeps with the other open

The strange reason cats sleep with their eyes open explained

Ever seen a cat sleeping with its eyes open? It's weird! Here's why they do it and when you need to step in and take kitty to the vet.
Kitten in a crate

Crating your cat at night: Is it a good idea?

There are many reasons a cat may need to be crated at night. If you need to crate your cat, read this handy guide first.
Pregnant woman holding a cat in the kitchen with a male partner

Can cats eat chocolate without harm? The dangers explained

Can cats eat chocolate? The feline body isn't designed to metabolize chocolate. Here's what to do if your cat eats chocolate.
Cat sitting in a lap

Why does your cat sit on your lap? The science behind it

There are many reasons a cat enjoys climbing into your lap to sit or lie down. Here they are, and yes, your cat does like you.
A white cat jumps and reaches up

Why do cats always land on their feet? Explaining this feline superpower

We'll discover the unique anatomy and bodily systems that make cats so agile, and we'll learn how to keep felines safe from unexpected falls.
Gray cat curled up under a fluffy blanket

Why your cat sleeps under the covers (and how to stop it)

You may wonder why your cat sleeps under the covers. Here are the six most common reasons, as well as some suggestions to help you put a stop to this habit.
Close-up of a Maine Coon's face

Is your cat a Maine Coon mix? Learn the signs and why it’s important

Is your cat a Maine Coon? These are the characteristics to look for, and why it matters what breed your cat is.
An orange cat at the vet

Can cats get dementia? The answer may be surprising

You may notice signs of cognitive decline in cats that resemble a human with dementia. Can cats get dementia, though?
A woman wearing a yellow jacket holds a tabby cat while standing outside

How to pick up a cat: Avoid common mistakes for a calm cat

With just a little thoughtfulness, you'll be able to handle your four-legged friend with ease and confidence whenever you need to.
Cat treat for training

How to train a cat: Secrets to a more obedient and friendly pet

Can cats be trained? This process is easier than you think. With a little patience, and a lot of treats, you'll have an obedient kitty in no time.
Ragdoll kittens eat wet food out of dishes

How much wet food to feed a cat? A helpful guide to keep your cat healthy

We've figured out the best ways to determine how much wet food to feed a cat so you can approach mealtime without any questions.
Relaxed cat starting to blink its eyes

What does it mean when cats blink at you? Here’s the secret signal

So, why do cats blink slowly when they look at you? Understanding this behavior can help you learn what they're trying to say.
Resting pregnant cat sprawled on the ground outside

How to tell if a cat is pregnant: The key signs to watch out for

How do you know if your cat's pregnant? Watch for these signs and enlist the help of your vet to confirm that the babies (and mama) are healthy.
Cat looking pained with a swollen lip

Can cats get urinary tract infections? What every cat parent should know

Is it a UTI? What every kitty caregiver should know about urinary tract infections in cats, including risks, treatment, and prevention.
A white and orange cat steps out of a litter box and greets an orange kitten

How to get rid of cat pee smell fast: Easy methods that work

There are many strategies to help you tackle the smells and stains of cat pee, so read on to discover which tips and tricks will work best for your home.
Gray cat scratching a couch

How to keep a cat from scratching up your furniture

Scratching is a distinct cat behavior, but you don’t have to sacrifice your furniture to keep your cat happy. Here are some tips you can try.
Orange cat lying on an orange blanket

50 fitting names for your adorable orange cat

Brainstorming a list of names can help with the process of naming your pet, so we've included some great orange kitten names to help you get started.
Gray cat sniffs dried lavender flowers

Is lavender safe for cats? What to understand

Is lavender safe for cats? You should keep both the plant and products made from it away from your kitty as much as possible.
White cat grooming himself against a black background

Overgrooming cats: What causes it and how to stop it

If your cat is grooming a little too much, it could be a behavioral or medical problem that requires your attention. Here's what to look out for.
An orange and white kitten on a pink blanket

Can cats have Down syndrome? Here’s the truth

Down syndrome cats may have similar chromosome differences and even similar characteristics to people with Down syndrome, but there's more than meets the eye.
Werewolf cat relaxing in his bed

The truth about the werewolf cat: Facts and features

The werewolf cat doesn't exactly look like a canine, but it does have a feisty personality. Here's everything you should know before getting one.
Orange cat close-up of face

What colors can cats see? A deep dive into their vision

Many folks used to believe that pets like dogs and cats see purely in black and white, but newer research suggests otherwise.
A white cat with black spots sits beneath a Christmas tree surrounded by lit-up fairy lights

Your Christmas tree can be dangerous to your pet — here’s what to know

Christmas dangers can lurk around every corner, but just a little planning and thought will ensure that your dog or cat has the most wonderful time of the year.
Two Maine Coon kittens

These long-haired cat breeds are worth the extra fluff

There are dozens of long-haired cat breeds around the world, but these 10 are some of the most popular pets. Just wait until you see how fluffy they are.
Himalayan cat getting a treat

Can cats eat pecans? What you need to know about feeding your feline this tree nut

Can cats eat pecans? Your kitty may purr for pecans, but you'll want to know the risks before considering this nut the cat's meow.
A fluffy cat on top of pumpkins

Can cats have turkey? Here’s what to know and some tips on the cats and the holiday staple

There are many Thanksgiving foods you can share with your pets, but it's essential to do your research first.
Gray Persian cat lying down

Yes, your Persian cat is indeed a prince or princess and needs special care

If you have a Persian cat, there are aspects of persian cat care you need to know.
Two gray tabby kittens playing with wand toy

How much exercise does my cat need? Why you need to know the answer

Find cat exercise tips, duration recommendations, and how to get a lazy kitty off the couch. Plus, why should you exercise a cat in the first place?
Cat climbing out of a Litter Robot litter box

Why is your cat pooping on the floor? What to know about this disturbing behavior

Why is my cat pooping on the floor? We dig into the different causes to help you fix the problem and get your cat going in the litter box.
Orange cat in a white fleece bed

How to get a cat to sleep all night so they stop waking you up

Does your cat keep you up all hours of the night? Here's what you can do to get your kitten or cat to sleep during the night.
White and gray cat with long hair looking up at a person

Can cats eat cranberries? Read this before your holiday meals

Can cats eat cranberries? While this food is a nutrient-rich fruit for humans, you'll want to understand the pros and cons for cats before treating them.
Person holding a black and white cat for a nail trim

Do’s and don’ts: How to trim cat nails safely and successfully

Learning how to trim cat nails is essential to caring for your fur ball. Follow these do's and don'ts and get through the process safely.
Cat sits in the bathroom looking out

Why do cats hate closed doors? What science says

Why do cats hate closed doors? There's more to the behavior than you think. We'll tackle the reasons behind this cat quirk and what you can do.
A West Highland white terrier dressed as a vampire sits beside a little girl dressed as a witch

Your ultimate guide to celebrating Halloween with pets

What are you doing with your pet this All Hallows' Eve? Here's the ultimate guide to a wonderful Halloween with your pets.